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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 24 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Thinking about the situation we find ourselves in, it seems inconceivable Beale will still be manager next weekend.


    Despite all the silly talk about James Bisgrove, this is exclusively a task for John Bennett and the Rangers International FC board. I don't think he will continue to delay the inevitable. I can see Beale taking the team to Cyprus but no further.


    I hope this is the way it happens. God knows how we get rid of the expensive imposters Beale has saddled us with.

    I think Beale will be in charge until the international break. After that he must be gone. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Most are out of work for a reason, the same reason MB should be out of work.


    Can't agree, a DoF needs to be in place before the new full time manager. 

    We must establish what the DoF duties & responsibilities are first before appointing one (if we must have one)

  3. 16 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Beale's formation doesn't really have a midfield, so being a striker in it can't be easy.

    Yesterday’s MF had Jack, Lundstrum & Cifuentes in it all of whom are too similar & aren’t creative in my opinion 

    But getting back to Dessers he had a couple of good chances in the first half and didn’t take them


  4. 13 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    The current situation reminds me of two previous periods in our club's history.  I am referring to the emotions being exhibited by the majority of the attending support. Patience is a virtue rarely on show at Ibrox. The atmosphere is feral.


    The first period was the end of Davie White's tenure in 1968. We had drawn 1-1 in Poland against Gornik and expectations were high for the Ibrox return. It got better after Jim Baxter notched us ahead after several minutes in front of a huge crowd. Gornik began to play and handed us a football lesson. The game finished 1-3. A reported 12,000 fans stood in Edmiston Drive demanding White be sacked. He was.


    The second period was the end of John Greig's time as Gaffer. After five seasons, the law of diminishing returns was firmly established. Ham and egg was a true club legend and I witnessed several incidents of grown men swapping both words and punches in the stands over should he stay or should he go. The Board eventually decided upon the latter and reappointed Jock Wallace.


    I see problems in removing Beale. The Board will not want to admit a mistake and will hide behind the arithmetic. The cost of paying off the current Manager and his large staff plus compensation for the preferred target and his staff. Of course, there is the argument we cannot afford not to terminate his contract. We are 18 matches into this season including friendlies and I do not see a pattern of play. Our football is tedious and ponderous.


    In the last dozen years, we have had eleven Managers, six permanent and five temporary. It will be most difficult to attract the right man because there is largely no sense of continuity. The job has become a poison chalice. The one person awarded most time was Gerrard and he delivered the title. The support invested in the Liverpudlian because they saw obvious progress both domestically and in Europe.


    This should be a concurrent exercise, the club might find a Manager but the support must find patience.

    I’m led to believe if we sack Beale within his first year we don’t pay compensation 

  5. 4 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Beale will get sacked sooner rather than later but those hoping that will signify a change in fortunes and having us dominating Scottish Football are in for a shock. 


    But a new manager might get more out of some players?  And come up with a better game plan than we saw today & previous matches this season

  6. 4 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Wilson didn't have free rein. 


    He still did better than Beale at recruitment. 


    GvB was rightly sacked; we were so poor.

    Not exactly difficult to do better than Beale at recruitment is it?

    What do we do with the likes of Dessers and Lammers now? Pay them off? That’s the worrying part

  7. Just now, Rousseau said:

    This scenario really highlights how important a DoF is now. 


    You just can't allow a manager free reign.


    Simply because they don't last long now. 

    But allow a DoF a free rein? We let Wilson sign players like Ramsey who Gio never wanted. Others too.

    The root of the problem is we decided to replace a manager who got us to a European final & won the SC and replace him with a rookie. It’s failed spectacularly since he started letting players leave & replacing them with duds

  8. 27 minutes ago, Bill said:

    We've only had too many because we've had the wrong ones. Is there any manager of the last 12 years you would recommend re-hiring?

    So who would be your ‘right ones’ we should have hired or should now hire?

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