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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Whyte bought them. MIH didn't suffer from any fraud that Whyte may or may not have committed and there would be no reason for MIH to get back the shares. that transaction would not get reversed.


    I don't know much about liquidation but my guess would be that either the shares revert to Whyte or that the liquidator would have the power to dispose of them to the highest bidder, but I may be totally wrong in that.


    I thought Green bought the shares from Whyte for £2

  2. Cant disagree with anything. And does put a lot into perspective.


    With MW I dont doubt his style of play and what he is setting up behind the first team but its only his inability to change things during a game that needs tweaked. Garner is a dissappointing signing for me due to the fee which could have been put onto someone else, its not Garner is a bad player, he just wont fit into this team regardless if he runs his socks off every game.


    I also think we are underestimating the impact Dom Ball had last season.


    Interesting stats so far, 51% saying keep MW and 57% for Fran De Boer which isnt a surprise. Why is Arveladze' name on the list, is he managing? I will need to run a search on old Shota.


    Edit - Learned his trade as a number two to Van Gaal, Koeman and Advocaat. He will know a thing or two then!!!


    if Dom Ball's so good howcome he's on loan at Peteborough?

  3. The first thing that would need to happen before anyone would even consider bringing Oldco out of Administration is win the Big Tax Case. Before that no other scenario's can even be looked at.


    It's not in administration.it's in a liquidation process

  4. If BDO are successful with his, added to the CB money that's over £50m in oldco accounts.

    If HMRC lose EBT case could oldco liquidation get reveresed ?

    And who would own oldco if Whyte is convicted of fraud? MIH doesn't exist anymore so who? Who would get MIH's 83p.c shareholding?

  5. Yep. I am not, however, against the formation in principle, particularly when we have to play against teams, particularly at home, who sit very deep with 2 banks of 4 and a lone striker. Shouldn't need 4 at the back in Scotland when dominating possession - but only if you have pace there.


    Playing 4 at the back with any sitting MF player in the SPFL is pointless when teams come to ibrox & park the bus

  6. 3-5-2 requires at the central most defender to have pace and all 3 to have the ability to read the game. Wallace being so high up the pitch was the major factor in us conceding on Saturday. Most teams we play now play the ball into the space where the full backs should be Hearts have been particularly effective with that ploy.


    3-5-2 becomes 5-3-2 defensively though. We played against he yahoos with this formation on hogmanay & I thought it worked reasonably well.


    We need to try something. We are not scoring nearly enough goals hence why I hink we need 2 up front. The problem with 4-4-2 is that, as McCoist found out by playing this, the opposition can put 5 in there and you're a man short in MF

  7. Reading Davies comments, I can't help wondering if maybe we need to start playing 2 up front i.e. Garner & Miller possibly.


    Watching the game on Saturday I'm not convinced Garner is suited to playing on his own up front. As Davies says he's good in the air & on saturday he was winning headers & knocking them on to no one. He needs someone alongside him. He was getting too isolated on saturday for my liking.


    That would mean changing our 4-3-2-1(4-3-3) formation to either 4-4-2 or,as I'd suggest, 3-5-2 with Wallace & Tavernier playing wide in the 5. Thoughts ?

  8. I am assuming from what has been written here about possible pay-offs that the management team are on 1-year rolling contracts, so that they would always get a full year's salary if they are dismissed other than for gross misconduct?


    If that is indeed the case can someone please explain why we would give a relatively inexperienced management team contracts that could be seen as rewarding them for failure rather than success?


    I can see that there might be some advantage to us if another Club tried to lure them away; but in reality are we not just burdening ourselves with several hundred thousand pounds of costs when the management team is sacked as is almost always the case at some point.


    Or is this seen as a better option for the Club than a two or three year fixed term contract?


    I thought both MW & DW were under contract til 2019 i.e. Another 2 seasons

    It was total madness giving out new contracts to management & players until they proved they could cut it in the top division

  9. The big problem this season has been the players brought in during the summer haven't added what we thought to the squad,


    Gilks - done well when asked- left.

    Hodson - reliable

    Hill - Done well but struggles against pace.

    Senderos- looked decent yesterday think being thrown in against the mhanks didn't help.

    Barton - disaster

    Kranjcar - unlucky to be injured as he was starting to make an impact.

    Windass - flashes of a good player but fitness/injuries hampered.

    Crooks - injured not given much game time.

    Garner - fights n scraps needs more goals.

    Dodoo - done well not given enough chances.

    Rossiter - ????????


    So overall a mixture of bad luck and fitness problems have hampered us and we now find ourselves stuck like this until the summer.


    You could be even more ruthless and say that Hill is the only one we've still got who has been a success from that list & he's 38 years old and unlkely to be here next season

  10. This is now the second or third window that he has failed to bring in a good defender. Senderos was a last ditch unwanted addition. Green did not make us sign him. Everyone can see that the defence is drivel Garner was also a last ditch 1.6 million last minute choice. There are better strikers in Scotland that can score goals who would probably cost less. Almost every signing is based within a stone throw of Liverpool or Warburton has worked with them before. We cannot blame Green for our managers tactics or man management skills After the last 2 games I hope it is obvious that Hill and Miller should not be offered new contracts we need younger quicker and better players. They are out there but maybe they will have to look further than people with an North-English accent.


    Handing MW & DW and various players new improved contracts before we'd even kicked a ball back in the top division was utter madness too.

  11. Kenny Miller is the only true goal scorer we have according to Warburton so he can't afford to drop him, but at 37 years of age he can't be expected to be prolific in every game. He never was prolific to start with throughout his career anyway.


    I'd like for MW to give Dodoo a run up front (other posters have indicated this too) as he looks the type of player who could develop in the role. Garner hasn't 'clicked' if we are brutally honest, Waggy, we already know really isn't the answer and Miller with his old head and experience could teach JD a trick or 2 in his development. Bit of a waste that he sits on the bench watching what we are watching.


    Miller needs to go. 6 league goals so far is not good enough. He is not a true goal scorer & his record since he returned in summer 2014 is not great.

  12. Bad result, but yet again another game we could/should have won with the amount of chances we had, our biggest problem is not taking chances.


    Spot on. The simple truth is we're nowhere near good enough up front. There were plenty decent deliveries into the box but no takers as usual.


    That said the forward positions need looked at. Garner is toiling & for the life of me I cannot see the board agreeing to a new deal for 37 year old kenny miller who has just 6 league goals this season.And Waghorn has always seemed to me to be more of a wide player rather than a central striker/forward.


    At the end of the season here's no doubt in my mind we'll try to move Garner out to avoid outstanding payments on his transfer.The big question is who to bring in.


    I got slaughtered on here at the start of he season for suggesting we go for Jason Cummings. I genuinely believe had we gone for him( and hibz were prepared to sell) he'd be well into double figures in the league by now.He signed a new contract with hibz in the summer but I'd be amazed if there weren't get-out clauses in it. He is one of the options I still believe we should be considering

  13. Rbr's post earlier is spot on that its still very early days in this recovery. To pull the rug at the moment would be a set back. But I do share concerns with MW tactics recently. If he doesnt get second place then his position has to be looked at.


    If I was Joe Dodoo id be asking a lot of questions. He scored two cracking goals at Partick then only got 1 chance after that. Yet his main gripe should be how can Garner get a start ahead of him after being out for weeks.


    I'm more concerned as to why Kenny Miller gets in the starting XI every week more than anyone.

    Senderos had more attempts on goal today than Miller

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