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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This. It is an absolute abomination that a young lad trying to get on in life would have a criminal record for nothing more than some football tribalistic songs - and I would say that for a fan of ANY football club. It is ridiculous to have a criminal record for something so bloody trivial.


    Agree but in Scotland 2017 it depends what team you support

  2. Can anyone explain to me what is remotely safe about McLeish? The guy's been sacked FOUR times in the last five and a bit years. And that's not including Birmingham who he left after relegating twice. He proved beyond any doubt with us that he's an atrocious manager, so what more do you want him to show you?


    McLeish back in charge would honestly be my very worst nightmare come to fruition. I've said this for years on here. He's just a complete dud and watching us in the final season was hellish.


    So who would you put in charge til the end of the season ?

  3. He made our club 14 million from taking over til leaving. Think about that. And what happened not long after. Our only ever manager in net profit I believe.


    I've no problem with folk not wanting him. My preference is FdB but he doesn't want it right now so we need to look elsewhere. People have short memories and need to be aware where we are.


    After he won the treble he was offered the Spurs job but he turned it down knowing he was going to be hamstrung by selling our best players and trying to compete. Because he was a Rangers man. The very least he deserves is a clean slate. Getting on his back, 'hanging up your scarf' or 'I'll not be back', yeah that attitude isn't going to get us anywhere. We've been great at sticking together in recent years and turning out in numbers. It MUST continue regardless of who's in charge


    F deB would be high cost IMO. Himself & players he'd want to sign including their salaries. Not to say he's not a good manager but I'm not convinced we can do that just now.


    As I said earlier in McLeish we'd be getting a more experienced & knowledgeable manager than the one who left 10 years ago but he's going to need all his contacts to get the calibre of players we'll need to be title challengers on a budget much less than the yahoos.

  4. Really ? McCoist couldn't win the Championship. Eck won the SPL with his OWN team even when Celtic were spending as much as we were.


    You should probably revise your opinion.


    I'd welcome McLeish back on an interim basis til the end of the season. It's ten years since he left & I'd like to think the manager we would be getting back would be more knowledgeable & wiser than the one that left ten years ago. And with lots more contacts in the game because he's going to need them


    As for his record since he left ? AFAIK he won 7 out of 10 as Scotland manager. 70 percent win rate?

    Did ok at Birmingham & won them a trophy.

    Foolishly went to Villa where Randy Lerner was constantly trying to sell.

    Didn't last long at Forest & has managed Genk for a season and some Egyptian club

  5. Thats one way to describe his time at birmingham lol. :)


    Won the league cup with Birmingham City in 2011 beating Arsenal. One more trophy than Brendan Rogers has won in English football. Just saying mind.....:D

  6. If Mike Ashley genuinely wants to help Rangers all he needs to do is phone Dave King or Stewart Robertson and convince them.


    That means binning the likes of these SD retail deals which pay Rangers a pittance compared to what other clubs get from their deals.Replace them with proper deals which put money into Rangers rather than taking money out. And stop the court cases trying to jail the Rangers chairman on a legal technicality


    That said there is no doubt Ashley could help us but the ball is very firmly in his court. My view is that the current Rangers board have looked at NewcastleUtd & seen how it went from being near the top of the EPL & competing in europe most seasons to a club fighting relegation and made their minds up accordingly.

  7. Is it not the case McLeish is being mentioned as an interim or caretaker manager til the end of the season? The same wayStuart McCall was a couple of years ago ?

    FWIW I wouildn't be against McLeish returning on an interim basis but we really must look elsewhere for our next manager who must be a younger manager with contacts throughout & sourced from outside Scotland.

    Marco Silva would be my choice.

  8. Can't understand why the club were willing to waive compensation ,it's not as if we can afford that kind of geasture .


    Because the Rangers board wanted rid off MW, DW & F McP. To do so was going to cost them £1.2m in compensation.

    Along came this agent and this meant they didn't need to pay the £1.2m

  9. According to R. Forsyth on Radio 5, McLeish is the nap.


    I've heard McLeish mentioned to be caretaker til end of season.


    After that my owm preference would be Marco Silva who has done a great job at Hull City since arriving at the start of last month.

    He's only contracted til the end of the season & if Hull do go down I'm sure he'd be more than interested in what we have to offer. He's only 39 & has management experience at Sporting Lisbon & Olympiacos before Hull.


    Any appointment will be a gamble but I think Silva ticks a lot of boxes.

  10. Good shout...but he'd be first on the teamsheet Rab??? :razz:




    But at least his heart is in the right place. FWIW I think Miller would be a good Rangers coach. I just think his best playing days are well behind him now.


    Any new Rangers could do a lot worse than Miller as his assistant

  11. Erm wasnt this the question the agent asked the board?


    The board wanted rid off MW,DW & F McP. I think that is fairly obvious. But it would have cost a fair bit in compensation to do so.


    So when their so-called agent turned up & asked to activate the release clauses in their contracts the Rangers board couldn't believe their luck.

  12. Agreed with hindsight Weir came to the club at 37 after plying his days for Everton. It was the club who extended his career as much as he played well.


    The only thing baffling me still is why would the club waive compensation if they are resigning. No pay off should be part of them decided to go.


    LOL how can we get compensation ? They've not got a new club to go to have they ?

  13. It's negligent to turn down the opportunity to get compensation from a third party if it was likely they were going somewhere else.


    Where were they going to go then ?

    The Rangers board wanted them out. This week they got the opportunity

  14. So we give up the chance of getting a 7 figure sum because we're happy to see them go? Seriously?


    It's obvious the Rangers board wanted rid off them and what has happened this week allowed them to do that without paying them any compensation.

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