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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Because if we went the DoF route 2 years ago we wouldn't need to hit the restart button every time a manager/head coach (whatever title floats yer boat) changes plus our recruitment would have been a hell of a f*&king lot better.


    The problem with DofF is that many managers will simply not work for a DofF

  2. To me it was one year(easy) to get out of championship but thereafter MW and his team plus many of the players were unable to step up to premiership needs and his lack of vision or tunnel vision removed all the magic from his hat as he had no plan "B"so things had to change sooner than later.Let's hope board have necessary vision to put things right.

    I think too many poor signings last summer contributed to MW's departure

  3. From what I understand DK has been wanting a chance for some time , others disagree and wanted to see it through as they believe it's 2 wasted years .The fact that they have been going down the D of F route by even talking to prospective candidates when they knew MW wouldn't accept it shows how split they are.It will be telling to see where the money eye is going to come from for the next project .

    There is also somethings I cannot post , sorry but I've been asked to keep them of message boards .


    Dk wanting a chance for what for some time ?

  4. As I said at the time, I'd have let Wes go and keep Gilks. He's a safer keeper from what I saw.


    But he's not as good receiving the ball at his feet. All keepers need to be capable of bringing the ball out from the back nowadays.

    TBH I think Foderingham is a better keeper. I think too many base their opinion of Gilks on one game in the LC semi

  5. No organisation (football clubs, media organisations, churches etc, etc) has been or ever will be safe from these predators. Where there is historical evidence of crimes taken place I'm sure the police will investigate it.


    But for Scottish football that is not the issue. It is whether clubs deliberately tried to cover this up. So far we have only had one club, Celtic, where individuals associated with that club were prosecuted for their past actions.


    The question I'd like to know is why the SFA have not even launched some sort of investigation into what went on ? When I read alleged comments by individuals with Celtic at that time it seemed common knowledge what was going on. The SFA are digging one almighty hole for themselves here by doing nothing. They are setting a dangerous precedent


    What if another scandal breaks involving another club ? Will they turn a blind eye to that club as they seem to have done with Celtic ? I would hope not.


    So the likes of Marcello Mega should maybe take a step back in all of this & look at the bigger picture here instead of trying to point score for his own team(s). Because for the reasons I've given it won't work.

  6. According to ITK poster cwoodloyal from FF, it will be Murty until the end of the season, at least for the next two games and/or unless some car-crash happens.


    We shall see.


    This is exremely bad news if true. I don't want Murty in charge of the Rangers first team.

  7. Can't see Muscat somehow. But you never know.....


    I'm beginning to wonder why we need an interim manager. I wonder if the delay in appointing someone likeMcLeish means the board are having second thoughts.


    Some decent candidates have already emerged such as Gary Rowett & Allan Kuhn. We need someone with like them with contacts in the game to get us younger players in to establish themselves in our first team who can then be sold on for profit. Like it or not that's where we are & so are the yahoos.

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