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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He is our biggest problem at the moment. He is interim Rangers manager and is absolutely useless
  2. The money we spent has mostly been wasted. MW was supposedly a manager who'd build us a young team with resale value but alarm bells should have started ringing when all those 30 something players started coming in last summer.
  3. Stability ? They need leadership. They're not getting it from the manager. And on the park Wallace is no leader. He wears the captain's armband only. Hill is the only leader we've got & he's 38.
  4. My only gripe with this board is that they knew Warburton was going and had no plan whatsoever to replace him. Murty should be nowhere near the Rangers dug out. He's a youth coach who's a million miles out his depth
  5. Kenny Miller? LOL are you havin' a laugh ? He was absolute garbage again tonight yet still gets a game every week. Just 6 league goals this season and still gets picked every week. Why does he get a game every week ? Because we have a numpty in the dug out who should be nowhere near the Rangers job. I genuinely believe he doesn't want Rangers to win given his background
  6. Dodo must be sitting on the bench wondering what he has to do to get a game. We've been struggling to score goals all season(Miller is top scorer with 6 league goals) yet he still gets overlooked. Both Miller and Waghorn constantly lose possession under no pressure. It is totally frustrating to watch
  7. but the date the debt would be due to be paid would be long after the trustees death
  8. in theory they were loans which didn't need to be repaid for 100 years or whatever but obviously the 'trustee' would be dead by then & loan never repaid
  9. Looking increasingly likely the EL spots will be 2,3 &4 in the league....unless Hibz retain the Sc
  10. Hodson is no better than Ricky Foster but best we've got just now. I still think Tav is best option in Def MF. Halliday has been found out this season in that role unfortunately
  11. As well as someone who should be nowhere near the position of Rangers manager
  12. Not necessarily. A decent tactician would get a result against he yahoos.
  13. As I said depends what the remit is. My biggest concern is the D of F interfering in first team affairs. Head Coach/manager must always have the final say IMO. And do we really have hundreds of thousands of spare cash for a D of F ?
  14. And head coach is accountable to D of F.
  15. I suppose much depends on who the D of F ( or technical director) is & what his remit is. I have grave concerns about him becoming too involved in first team affairs. I also notice few of them seem to last long in their position from the ones I've looked at
  16. Never heard of Ross Wilson. Hopefully won't be joining us after reading that
  17. Terrible news. We will get an absolute pasting if Murty is in charge.
  18. I would think it varies from club to club as to whether the head coach has final say about players coming in & would also try to get involved in team affairs which is why I don't want one at Rangers I also don't think a D of F is necessarily just there to take tedious work away. He will try to take credit when things go well & blame the manager when things don't go well.
  19. A Mister ? There will be candidates simply not intersted in working under a D of F. When the team struggles who's to blame ? The head coach(manager) will blame the D of F for poor signings. The D of F will blame the head coach(manager) for team selection, tactics etc, etc Who is responsible ? Genuinely hope we don't go down the route of D of F.
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