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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. One word Rab - brexit.

    We might be ok for this and next season. After that I'd say all bets are off.


    I think after BREXIT EU players will still be able to come to the UK and play as they are just now. The EPL would struggle without them

  2. The problem with players spotted via "global contacts" though is Rab - many are unable to get visas allowing them to play in our league.

    If it's 50/50 then the manks can usually get around the rule.

    The rest of us need not apply.

    Players who have so many, whatever the amount is, full international caps will be outwith our price range.


    What about all the Brazilian players who come over to Portugal & get Portuguese passports ? They don't require work permits

    Like to think this is one option Caixinho would think about if he gets the job.

  3. what has this guy achieved in management to even be considered for the manager's job?


    If you're going to go on trophies won then you'd best go for McLeish. Good luck with that one. You'll certainly need it.


    Regardless of who went we for on the alleged lists there would always be risk attached. Caixinho seems an experienced coach with plenty contacts which we will need.

  4. Im of the same opinion as you Craig. I'm not sure anyone except FDB would have though.

    It seems quite a lightweight appointment but we don't have the financial pull to attract anyone of substantial note.


    Once it's official at least we won't feel in limbo anymore.


    I don't think it's lightweight at all. One thing we now need is someone with global contacts to recruit better quality players at affordable prices. Caixinho ticks that box. This was the major drawback of having MW as manager whose recruitment seemed limited to the most expensive league in the world i.e. England.


    I think many wanted F de B but to me that was always a non-starter for financial reasons alone

  5. When I first saw Caixinho's name mentioned I thought he'd be favourite. If he is the next Rangers manager then it is a very bold & imaginative appointment even with a bit of risk.


    Appointing the likes of McLeish or McInnes would be easy appointments which, if they flopped, would have left the Rangers board open to much criticism.


    Portuguese coaches generally seem to be doing quite well at the moment don't they?Who had heard of Marco Silva until he arrived at Hull City a few months ago & turned things sround big style. If Caixinho was to do likewise at Rangers there would be few complaints would there ?

  6. It seems to be one step forward and two back , never in my life did I ever think this great club would be in the state its in today .


    With all due respect I don't think we're as bad as you seem to suggest.


    I think the current board have steadied the ship & generally got supporters buying into what they're trying to do.


    However I think they've left themselves wide open to criticism following Warburton's departure. It is clear they knew he was going one way or another but had absolutely no contingency plan in place for when he went.


    We are, in effect, back in the Kenny MacDowall scenario from a couple of years ago where we have someone in charge of the first team who shouldn't be there & probably doesn't want to be there. And that is beginning to show with the team performances & results.


    And this at a time when we are seeking to qualify to return to playing in Europe after a six year absence which seems like a eternity. I genuinely look forward to seeing Rangers play a European tie again at Ibrox as I think it will be a very significant moment for all of us on our way back

  7. I am entirely sure it was selfish. About his ability to develop players. Not what was good for the club.


    If they were better quality than we xould afford it certainly didnt show.


    I'm not sure loan players were the biggest issue with Warburton.

    He under-estimated Scottish football's top division. Bringing in players from the EFL league1 & league2 & expecting them to stroll it was never going to happen

  8. Ok, we know you don't like the board but are you serious here??? We all "know" the timing of MW leaving was accelerated by their actions and the board believed it had more time. The situation is hardly ideal, but then neither is the situation the board has to deal with either. They just need to get the right people in as soon as possible but there's no point in rushing anything. It was a reasonable action to take in appointing Murty, but it hasn't worked out, at least not yet. They are accountable for everything, but they're not responsible for everything.


    I think you'll find a board of directors are responsible for everything in a company one way or another.

    The Rangers board have made a monumental error by letting the manager & his assistants leave without having any idea how to replace them

  9. Hello yourself.

    Warburton made signings. He's now gone. If we have a squad of dumplings that's hardly Kings fault. Blame the last manager.


    The board have a responsibility in that they allowed him to make those 11 signings last summer. None of those signings started tonight. Tells you all you need to know

  10. People should keep in mind that both Dodoo and Forrester are actually left-sided attacking midfielders / wingers. We utilize them where we see fit, be that secondary striker or even right attacking midfield. That is mainly done to shoe-horn McKay into the left slot (when he is actually a right winger ... which people will note, as he always goes to his right foot) and Miller into the middle. Waghorn goes right attacking midfield and that has been the mode for the last few months, with the only exception being Miller going into left wing slot to use Garner in the middle.


    IMHO, we should kick the 4-3-3 into touch and play people where they belong.


    We need 5 in MF. MW got that bit correct

  11. Most of the time I don't read or listen to the media up here...however after MW left the building the media were clamouring for McLeish to be appointed immediately by the board sooner rather than later...sometimes they can actually make a good call! Why Murty is in there with the background he boasts is simply astonishing. McLeish, although not everyone's cup of tea, has to be a better option than Murty for the interim post?


    AFAIK McLeish got offered the job on an interim basis til the end of the season but turned it down as he wanted it longer term.


    rbr would need confirm

  12. Hold on a minute, where were we exactly under Warburton? I failed to see the sizzling pass and move style. This is simply more of the same, from what I can see.


    LOL we were at least second under MW. We'll be lucky to be top six under Murty

    He's useless & clueless

    Did you see his substitutions tonight ? Holt for Halliday.... Totally pointless at about 70mins. Like for like.

    And Garner with 90secs left. Totally embarrassing

    Get this guy out the Rangers dug out. And preferably out of Rangers altogether

  13. They knew MW was going because they manipulated the situation , sorry it's not they , 2 board members manipulated the situation , we replaced an entire squad for less than Celtic spent on Sinclair yet it's the managers fault , Jesus wept , talk about gullible


    The money we spent has mostly been wasted.

    MW was supposedly a manager who'd build us a young team with resale value but alarm bells should have started ringing when all those 30 something players started coming in last summer.

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