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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. the one thing i'm hoping that this guy has is one or 2 gems to unearth


    watching third rate shite from league 2 in england being signed was soul destroying


    We have to hope he's got plenty contacts in the game to get us better calibre players at affordable prices

  2. It wasn't accepted from Whyte. It was accepted from the club and therefore nothing will happen in respect of it.


    Edit - the cash went from Ticketus to Rangers and from Rangers to the bank, as far as I recall. Whyte would have arranged for it to be in a holding account but in effect the transactions would have been through the club, as both Ticketus and the bank had their transactions with Rangers and not Whyte.


    I'm sure I remember D&P stating the money never touched Rangers bank account.

  3. And Murray knew that. In the contract signed between Murray and Whyte, there was a clause stating that Murray could take back Rangers if Whyte didn't fulfill his commitment to pay off debts and carry out the repairs.

    That shows how desperate he was to get rid of Rangers and how much of a scumbag Murray is.


    I'm not sure Murray could have taken Rangers back from Whyte even if he'd wanted to.

    The bank were effectively running things & offloading Rangers to someone like Whyte was part of the master plan to destroy us

  4. I agree there was fraud from the 2 of them but the actual buying of Rangers wasn't fraudulent. What happened between Whyte and Green has nothing to do with Oldco. To gain Rangers Whyte said he would pay of LBG and he did. He also paid MIH 1 pound to take over the company. Where his case may fall down is that he never let it be known that he was banned from being a director of a company and therefore should not have been in the position to buy. If we win the BTC it will throw up some very interesting scenario's and probably court cases.


    You omitted to sat that when Whyte bought Rangers for £1 as well as clearing the bank debt supposedly using funds from one of his companies he had to settle the small tax case & carry out various stadium upgrades.


    We now know he cleared the bank debt using funds he got from ticketus and didn't settle the small tax case & carryout stadium upgrades.


    He effectively broke the conditions of the sale

  5. Our problems at the moment stem from poor recruitment last summer. We all know this hence the departure of MW.


    My own view is that alarm bells should have started ringing last summer when MW began bringing in so many players well into their thirties. The Rangers board should have done something then but did nothing. The manager they got from Brentford with the reputation for emphassis on youth started to look dubious at that point.


    But the board have acted & brought in a European head coach which I'm pleased about. It is a bold appointment which I believe will be successful. It is a route I believe Rangers need to go down. I certainly didn't want an SPL standard coach whose knowledge was restricted to SPL level


    Sorry Ally but your time has past at Rangers. If you've nothing positive to say better say nothing at all because your time as manager ended with us third( yes third) in the Championship

  6. Let's say oldco wins this case. Got rather a lot of money then hasn't it ?


    There's the £5.5m Greenco paid for the assets in 2012. Then there's the £24m(!) BDO got from CB. And if BDO successfully sue D&P for £29m then that's a tidy sum of somewhere between £50-60m depending on figures used.


    That money should easily pay off any outstanding debts should it not ?


    And if Whyte gets convicted who owns oldco with its cash in bank ?

  7. The search is over....

    Coisty says no DoF, and Wattie says McInnes.

    Problem solved, RFC - get it sorted.


    I'd thank WS for his recommendation.

    After his last recommendation(McCoist) I think we'll pass on this one.

  8. No Rab. The really sad thing about it is, the rag got it from that pair of proven liars.

    That's how low the media have sunk in this country.


    I got it the wrong way round then ?

    Must be slow news day then

  9. We had to endure Keevins on Synde on the supporters bus on the way home yesterday. Very bitter man indeed.


    Even McCulloch had to point out to him, regards the Garner incident with Imrie, that if the referee considers it reckless he can give a yellow card but if he considers it dangerous he can give a red card


    But Keevins was having none of it. It was red all the way for Shug. Rangers winning 6-0 is just too much to bear for some in our mhedia. Nothing has changed in our absence over these past few years it seems

  10. The tarred one and the tramp fool JJ have been running with an "Ashley to invest 30-50 million" story with information coming from the usual (and imagined) "unnamed sources".

    It's their usual shyte and this story will not be heard of again after Tuesday.


    Got to laugh at these two clowns. I presume their ' unnamed sources' are the Sunday red top rag which ran this so-called story

  11. What is the possibility of Ashely gaining enough shares to take control again?


    I think he can very easily do that.

    The numbers add up. If he gets to 30 percent shareholding he'd need to make an offer for the rest.

    He's effectively got his own 10 percent plus 16 percent proxy.

    Have King & T3B boobed by not increasing their sharehlding once taking control?

  12. After his brace at Firhill he started the next game, played OK in a poor team performance but got hooked after an hour and hasn't started a game since. When scoring goals has been a major problem for us all season, it is utterly amazing that this central striker hasn't had a fair chance to see what he can do when all others around him have failed so badly.


    What baffles me is why 37 year old Kenny Miller with just 6 league goals seems a certain starter every game. And the fact he probably won't be there next season

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