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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. No idea how you come to that conclusion.


    I'd suggest playing for Rangers comes with its own very different challenges and expectations but, for a striker, you would expect more chances so it would very well be easier to score for us than Motherwell.


    teams raise their game against us, sit in at ibrox & park the bus etc, etc


    how many strikers have we signed from SPL clubs who have failed miserably after signing for us ? plenty

  2. Why would Bournemouth sell a young player they signed last summer on a four year deal who has since shown excellent progress at the club he's been loaned out to ?


    If I were Bournemouth I'd be begging Rangers to take him next season hoping they'd be getting back the finished article at the end of next season and ready to go into their first team squad.


    Slow news day at he sunday liam ?

  3. Unarguably, there is only one match which generates any interest at all, furth of Scotland.


    That match is the only one which generates any significant interest within the country, too.


    And when you deliberately remove that fixture you accept the commercial consequences.


    Instead of 'sporting integrity' I'd call it 'commercial suicide'.


    It is very noticeable this season how far the standard in Scotland's top division has fallen since we were last in it in 2012.

  4. Go back to 2012.


    When Rangers got voted out the then SPL because of 'Sporting Integrity' did those ten SPL chairmen never consider the commercial consequences? A crap TV deal & no league sponsorship was the end result


    Why should SKY or any other broadcaster throw money at Scottish football if they don't have to ?


    I'm just disappointed we don't have a high-profile Rangers CEO to ram this down their throats. Especially Doncaster's.

  5. Were Scots "British" before the treaty of union ?

    Scotland is a sovereign nation. We made a union with other parts of these isles but that doesn't change the fact that we are Scots ......... and British of course.

    When the Kenyan is asked his nationality I doubt very much that he would write down "African".


    Scotland is not a sovereign nation. The UK is the sovereign nation made up of 4 countries: England, Scotland , Wales & Northern Ireland.


    We're British because we live in the British Isles whose largest island is called Great Britain which consists of 3 countries: England, Scotland & Wales

  6. Should the club at least not be pursuing these lying yahoo blogger via legal firms who operate on a no win no fee basis.


    Not that we'd get much recompense mind you. The whole purpose would be to silence them & their spurious allegations

  7. Hmmm, I'd suggest Celtic themselves embarked on a project to increase their say politically and in the media in the mid 90s and many aspects of that are now bearing fruit now.


    I doubt they're closely involved with some of the more unhinged elements of the anti-Rangers bloggers but neither do they hinder them. Meanwhile these Celtic supporting bloggers maintain good relationships with more mainstream media contacts which ensures even the less credible stories and rumours are widely discussed.


    It's actually very clever and I'm envious of the hard work and effort that's went into it. I've yet to see Rangers counter it all that well.


    unfortunately it seems we're back to the days of 'dignified silence' instead of what should be happening i.e. litigation


    And you have to ask why they closed Juninho's EBT. Did they know something we didn't ?


    And I believe the timing of when HMRC chose to go after Rangers for the EBT's ( just before the 2010 General Election which Labour we're going to lose) is also very significant


    Timing is everything as they say

  9. A very good point Rab.


    The EBT's of themselves were tax avoidance, something which is certainly allowable by law (if done right.... and indeed HMRC seemed to attempt to retroactively apply the law against Rangers).


    This numbnut seems to think that the finding of the EBT means that Rangers were cheating - that in and of itself isn't the case. Indeed, it also cannot be said with assurance that Rangers may not have been able to pay down the debts it had, including the EBT (if found guilty) but for an allegedly fraudulent purchase of the Club. The Club were paying down the bank debts that it had and had actually done pretty well at doing so over a fairly small period of time. So the Club may still have been able to pay those EBT debts which, in essence, means that the Club didn't cheat as it paid all debts, including tax liabilities.


    Rangers were operating a tax avoidance scheme which is legal. That doesn't mean they are cheating. The Tims will say "without the EBT's you wouldn't have got the players you did". True. But even with cheaper replacements we may still have won the league. It still isn't cheating by avoiding tax. It is all silly.


    Either way, you can't categorically state that Rangers were cheating, not logically anyway.


    Eight EPL clubs supposedly operated EBT's too. Did they cheat ?

    And Spanish clubs owe billions in tax last I read. Did they cheat ?


    I'd just like to know why HMRC chose to go after Rangers in the first place but that's another discussion entirely.

  10. WTF has the BTC got to do with King ?


    Maybe someone could tell Martin Hannan that the yahoos(his team by the sounds of things)were very heavily in debt in the 2000's too. Hence they had a chief exec. called Ian McLeod ( remember him?)who was a debt specialist who specialised in managing companies carrying large debts. Was it ok for the yahoos to carry debt but not Rangers ? And maybe he could look into the overdraft & borrowing facilities the RevFlowers basket case co-op bank gave the yahoos no doubt thanks to Labour MP's.

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