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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Won't Danny Wilson play alongside Kiernan?
  2. will Wilson & Tavernier be available ?
  3. I think we have to show a bit more ambition than Louis Moult somehow. Especially if we're to sell ST's.
  4. teams raise their game against us, sit in at ibrox & park the bus etc, etc how many strikers have we signed from SPL clubs who have failed miserably after signing for us ? plenty
  5. Scoring goals for Rangers would be much harder than scoring for Motherwell
  6. Should we not be looking at a better calibre player than Moult? Scoring goals in the SPFL proves nothing
  7. Why would Bournemouth sell a young player they signed last summer on a four year deal who has since shown excellent progress at the club he's been loaned out to ? If I were Bournemouth I'd be begging Rangers to take him next season hoping they'd be getting back the finished article at the end of next season and ready to go into their first team squad. Slow news day at he sunday liam ?
  8. Hammer Throwers is how Mr Souness would have described Motherwell today
  9. It took us 37 minutes to register a shot on he Motherwell goal in the first half. Obviously the manager felt something needed to change
  10. I'm not long in from the game. What was the reason for the three HT substitutions ? Injuries ? And weee Tavernier & Wilson suspended?
  11. Unfortunately for Naismith his name is now mud with much of he Rangers support because of that press conference with him & Whittaker.
  12. I'm expecting to win comfortably. Motherwell are in freefall just now.
  13. Regardless, it's imperative we get into the ELQ's
  14. The CL needs revamped. Should be a knock-out basis IMO instead of 4-team league sections where the favourites have almost always already qualified after 3 games
  15. Too old now with no resale value.
  16. Naismith has supposedly bought a house in Scotland. I don't think there anything more in it than that.
  17. Plod Scotland haven't exactly covered themselves in glory over this have they ? Are they trying to balance out the number of arrests or something ? Hibz caused the problems. Their supporters should have the majority of the arrests.
  18. And when you deliberately remove that fixture you accept the commercial consequences. Instead of 'sporting integrity' I'd call it 'commercial suicide'. It is very noticeable this season how far the standard in Scotland's top division has fallen since we were last in it in 2012.
  19. Go back to 2012. When Rangers got voted out the then SPL because of 'Sporting Integrity' did those ten SPL chairmen never consider the commercial consequences? A crap TV deal & no league sponsorship was the end result Why should SKY or any other broadcaster throw money at Scottish football if they don't have to ? I'm just disappointed we don't have a high-profile Rangers CEO to ram this down their throats. Especially Doncaster's.
  20. I might be tempted to go for Ryan Jack, but there's no way anyone could even attempt to predict who we'll sign in the summer since Pedro Caixinha took over
  21. To think you can be jailed for singing certain songs but not jailed for assault. Shows the country Scotland has become.
  22. Scotland is not a sovereign nation. The UK is the sovereign nation made up of 4 countries: England, Scotland , Wales & Northern Ireland. We're British because we live in the British Isles whose largest island is called Great Britain which consists of 3 countries: England, Scotland & Wales
  23. Should the club at least not be pursuing these lying yahoo blogger via legal firms who operate on a no win no fee basis. Not that we'd get much recompense mind you. The whole purpose would be to silence them & their spurious allegations
  24. unfortunately it seems we're back to the days of 'dignified silence' instead of what should be happening i.e. litigation
  25. And you have to ask why they closed Juninho's EBT. Did they know something we didn't ? And I believe the timing of when HMRC chose to go after Rangers for the EBT's ( just before the 2010 General Election which Labour we're going to lose) is also very significant Timing is everything as they say
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