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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The BBC Website story has been expanded since then and it is sneakily implying that we covered up, note these bits (deliberately designed, you'd almost think to spread the blame/take the heat of Celtic):


    "Rangers told us it was aware of an alleged incident more than 25 years ago involving Neely, sacked him and informed the police.

    Police Scotland told the BBC they were unable to confirm whether Rangers made a complaint or not, despite Freedom of Information requests.

    The BBC also asked surviving senior executives and football personnel who were at Rangers at that time, for more details - but received none. The Crown was unable to find details of a report being sent to the fiscal in relation to a complaint about Neely in 1990."


    A decade after Hibs sacked him, and more than five years after Rangers got rid of him it is alleged Neely was still abusing."


    You can see the way this programme is going to pan out from these quotes. And also from "The programme also features claims from former Clydebank and Rangers player Levi Stephen about a third alleged perpetrator."


    Cairney's still to come too, surely?


    My understanding was that at Rangers Neely allegedly made inappropriate suggestions to a youngster whose father was a policeman. I'd say it was extremely unlikely therefore the police were unaware of this.


    Is his a Mark Daly documentaty per chance ? Trying to divert attention away from Shellik maybe ?

  2. Sorry. I still think nothing will happen to them, though. And the BBC are pushing it that there is no record of us making a complaint re Neely, leaving him free to continue molesting kids for five years after leaving us.


    I note they are spinning the "separate entity" nonsense (a legal technicality that could save them, alas - ridiculous though it is). Funny isn't it that when I was growing up all I heard was how brilliant "their" "quality street gang" were? That being the name for "their" wonderful Boys Club players which put ours to shame.



    * Not that I imagine it would be easy to discover that now but it's the Beeb's way of implicating us to be like them as much as possible even when we are not.


    The OP says Rangers informed the police about Neely when they found out about him.


    Don't forget the issue isn't just abuse but whether a club tried to cover it up.


    And remember there's McCafferty still to come.


    Worrying days over the East End I'd say

  3. Yes, I wrote that above but we were discussing trophy removal.


    On which note, given the amount of abuse up and down the country, where would the trophy removal end? Who would decide how many proven cases equalled how many trophies or would it be any one case and all trophies during the tenure of said paedophile at said club? Would different types of abuse necessitate different trophy decisions and so forth. It'd be unmanageable.


    Also this is Scotland in the 21st Century, and so the idea of Celtic FC being punished is more than hard to imagine.


    I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying.


    It is not child abuse it is the attempts to cover it up we are talking about here. From comments I've read from individuals around at the time I'd say that looks quite a strong possibility in the Torbet case.


    Child abuse was unfortunately widespread before safety measures were put in place to at least try to reduce it & identify those involved. No organisation was safe from these people with perhaps the BBC & Savile now being the most well known case

  4. Celtic accounts showed nearly a million pounds paid to Torbett while he was in jail serving his sentence. Why was never explained. How he was later able to wander back into a job over there was also never explained. The "good name of Celtic" was the ONLY thing they wanted protected. The abused kids simply didn't come into it.


    This needs investigated by the SFA.

  5. The SFA must investigate whether Celtic knew of child abuse allegations by Torbet & others and if so why they chose not to inform the police.


    If it is discovered they deliberately tried to cover up these allegations then there must be suitable punishments administered including the removal of honours won by the club during these times.


    There must be no leniency whatsoever shown towards any individuals or clubs involved.

  6. I heard it at rugby park. I agree with everything that has been said. I talk to a ST mhank who goes to away games and seems reasonably "sane". He has been saying for weeks the mhanks are getting away with blatant "pro Ira" songs and chants "hating h@@s".


    What did the authorities think was going to happen with all the "h@n" hatred? I'm not condoning anything as I feel we should know better but are being set up, as usual. Our supporters (loose term) should have brain cells but some see injustice and react. That's the same in any walk of life.


    Again for the record, you can't be singing that. However you can't be singing about terrorism and murdering hu@s but that mob are positively encouraged to do it by the absence of action and condemnation! I would suggest that is why we have these songs being sung. We need to stamp it out, and quick!


    and here's the real problem in Scottish football. Not us. THEM.


    And for as long as they get away with it, minorities in our support will think the same. Until we get a strong CEO will to confront them, the SFA & the Scottish politicians nothing will change

  7. It's because he's met the criteria and was the best in the interviews , can I ask Lucy if you've read the job criteria .


    Would it be a problem if he got the job ?

    He doesn't exactly strike me as someone who'd rip the piss out of it

  8. A fans group which buys shares, end off.


    Independent from the Club.


    Professional people in charge, not necessarily Rangers Supporters.


    That would do for a start, I might contribute again.


    I've never really taken much interest in C1872 but surely you'd want the people running it to be Rangers supporters ?

  9. fergie had won a euro trophy with a provincial Scottish side so that example is terrible


    people aren't judging him on these 3 games, its his track record overall - he should be nowhere near Ibrox based on that


    that said - he shouldn't be tossed aside until his own players are brought in as this squad is terrible.


    I think you've hit the nail on the head. We need to judge him once he brings in his own players.


    My concern so far is we have to change our system. We don't have the players to play with one up front and two wide. Our forwards simply do not score enough goals. Our top scorer in the league has just six goals.


    For Sunday I'd like to see us try a different formation. Maybe 4-4-2 or something else like 4-4-1-1.

  10. I wouldn't be averse to seeing Toral back there beside Kiernan. I thought he played very well back there - thought he read the game well, was positionally sound and also managed to distribute the ball from the back. Senderos would be the obvious decision right enough but I would like to see if Toral's was a one-off or not in terms of performance back there.


    The full back positions should be fine though - surely he will use Hodson on the left and Tavernier comes back in on the right.


    Won't Danny Wilson play alongside Kiernan?

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