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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Miller was incensed when he didn't get the penalty
  2. I think we will need to reserve judgement on PC until he gets some of his own players in We must hope we don't get anything like those 11 who arrived last summer most of whom couldn't get near the starting XI. Hopefully PC is identifying the positions which needs strengthening most & will take things from there
  3. We were embarrassing in the first half & their goal showed why we need to look at a defensive MF player. Second half we got better as game went on but they got their penalty(I thought Tav played the ball) & we never got ours when Simunovic's handled
  4. Clearly hit Simunovic's hand. I think this was the point Miller was making to Collum that the handball prevented the ball coming back out to him. Can only presume Collum never saw it. Penalty every day of the week IMO
  5. Rodgers is well out of order here but there are times in the past when I'd wished the Rangers manager had done something likewise. Especially when Craig Thomson was involved
  6. Does rodgers actually say that or is the DR making it up ?
  7. Who the f@ck does Rodgers think he is ? Of course it was a poor decision but it seems to me over the past few weeks Rodgers is fast becoming like Lennon was. They're now trying to influence officials by putting pressure on them because they know they can get away with it whilst Liewell's patsy Regan is in charge of the SFA And can some explain why John Fleming felt he need to phone Rodgers & apologise ? Is he in the habit of phoning every club when a decision goes against them or is it just the yahoos ? Once again it shows the SFA in a pretty poor light If Rodgers feels so hard done by maybe he'll get the lego eater to phone up liam Boyce & apologise for that horrendous tackle that got him the red card. But as we're beginning to see with Rodgers I'd doubt that will happen
  8. it's looks likely we'll qualify for the EL next season with the first qualifying game at the end of June. We'll be unable to sign anyone before then so it's a no-brainer to offer Miller a new contract for next season for that reason alone. Whether he plays as many games next season is another matter
  9. LOL how many businesses has he actually got which are trading & making money?
  10. Thought this trial was just about when Whyte got Rangers from SDM?
  11. Of course he could set hmself up for life. But it will be at the expense of a football career.
  12. Good luck Billy. You'll certainly need it. Money talks & you'll certainly get that at Chelski. Only problem is the football Billy. They've got so many like you who will be nowhere near their first team squad so they punt them all out on loan. Last I heard they had something like 37 out on loan but no idea if that figure's accurate anymore..... Sadly we now have another ' might have been' who has now sacrificed his career for short term financial gain. Very sad IMO
  13. He's been injured ever since he arrived more or less. Hence the move for Jack. As SAF always said before signing a player - check his attendance record. Pity we never did that with Rossiter. Jack,however, is fine.
  14. Makes sense if true. We need a defensive MF player. Barton left & it looks to me PC has made his mind up early doors about Rossiter.
  15. This is different from anything previous. Much more serious. And the SFA might end up being told what to do. This is a criminal investigation.
  16. With all due respect comparing this to what happened at last year's SC final is just nonsense.
  17. The SFA can no longer sit back & pretend nothing happened at Celtic. They must take action.
  18. If it is proven Hibz tried to cover this up then they should face the full force of the law & those involved should be prosecuted where possible. The SFA would then need to consider what action to take against Hibz
  19. To me the documentary was an attempt to show the problem was widespread throughout Scottish football & not just at Celtc. It hasn't worked out like that.
  20. Tick, Tock......the clock is ticking. What action will the SFA take if there is found to have been cover-ups by our chums from the East End? Demotion to league2 & a five year European ban will do for starters.
  21. Do you expect anything else ? I wonder if Daly regrets making that documentary the other night
  22. We are beginning to see the end of an era for the Messi-Barcelona team which is now past its best.
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