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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Most discussion seems to be on Simunovic's tackle but the Lego muncher's elbow was the most obvious. Astraight red every day of the week. He knew Miller would out jump him & took him out.


    Has John Fleming phoned Caixinha to apologise yet ?

  2. The two players were travelling at speed in opposite directions. As I learned when I was young, if two cars crash at 30mph the impact is 60 mph. that makes the tackle look a lot worse than it is. Plus the way Miller fell made it look dramatic. The trailing leg is bent and travels over the ground and plays no part in Millers fall. It is a perfectly good tackle. Hard but fair.

    I would be a lot happier if we tackled like that on Saturday.


    If a Rangers player tackled like that and Thomson or Clancy was refereeing I'd guarantee a straight red

  3. It seems we disagree Pete. There was a big discussion on Snyde over it tonight. You think it wasn't a foul (as does BH) some of us think it was.

    It was certainly dangerous in this day and age. That, according to the rules, is a yellow. I still believe it's a red.

    On another note Richmonds explanation that Miller "ran into lego munchers elbow" is laughable.


    Don't worry I'm sure the compliance officer will take care of the Lego muncher......:P

  4. I am not going through the whole argument again. It was not a 2 footed tackle and not even a foul. Read through the thread for the answers.


    Read my post again. He takes player & ball. It is dangerous play. Is it ok to break someone's leg as long as you win the ball?

  5. Been away all weekend & just watched highlights. Beaton is a coward who should have shown two redcards in the first half:-


    1)Cannot believe lego-muncher didn't get a red card for that elbow on miller. He knows miller will outjump him so uses his elbow to take him out......STRAIGHT RED


    2) Simunovic flies into a tackle with both feet & takes player & ball. Dangerous play.......STRAIGHT RED


    Wee Brenda has certainly learned how to influence referees in this country hasn't he ? After their Ross County game a few weeks ago he knows to kick up the biggest stooshie possible when a poor decision goes against. He even got an apology from the yahoos referee's gaffer Fleming. Somehow can't see Caixinha getting anything here though

  6. For a reported £10Kpw this is a ridiculous waste of money we clearly don't have out of our playing squad budget.


    He has been terrible again this season, and in his three seasons since he came back to haunt us for a third time, he has been absolutely woeful with a very poor return by way of goals. His form is being masked by such a poor overall season for the club, but he wouldn't make my top 10 in POTY running.


    Another really good chance missed in a big game at the weekend to add to his last minute sitter on Hogmanay and the myth that he is a big game player is shattered.


    He has lost his pace, his control is as bad as ever, his passing is awful, his positional awareness is abject.


    I agree he is a model pro and seems well liked by his teammates and coaches, but that is not enough to waste £500k on his wages for what even many of his supporters are saying is likely to be a back up role next season.


    I would have been happy for him to get any non-playing role Pedro wanted for him for the many positives he brings to the club, I just am astonished that we think we can afford to spend a huge chunk of money on a guy who is clearly in decline, as well as a place in the squad that could easily go to a better player or potential player.


    I hope the reports of a new deal are wrong.


    I doubt he's on anywhere near £10k p.w.

  7. “For absolute clarity, as the Scottish Youth FA is the employing organisation for youth football in Scotland. The responsibility for PVG checks in youth football rests with the Scottish Youth FA.


    [[/b]"For absolute clarity Celtic Boys Club is a separate entity from Celtic FC . "


    [[/b]FFS , you'd think they'd shell out for different script writers.


    Incredible isn't it ?


    So where does Celtic Boys Club get its funding from then ? And Celtic FC have no say whatsoever in who gets appointed in Celtic Boys Club? And all those photos of young boys and Celtic first team players and managers too. Just coincidence ?


    Do they think we're all stupid ?


    What we have here is a club infiltrated by paedophiles during the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's and 1990's now too. Is this club just incredibly unlucky or is there something more sinister here?


    The time has long past when the SFA can bury its head in the sand & pretend there is nothing they can do.If it is proven that cover-ups took place (over 4 decades)severe punishments must take place which may include the removal of past honours, demotion from the top division and a European ban


    That's how serious this is.

  8. Show some understanding. They've got to work this so that any ban doesn't interfere with the cup final or the end of seasn party. It's not easy, you know.


    and the end of season Japanese tour too

  9. Am I allowed to say that's nonsense. It was never a deliberate handball in a month of Sunday's. The ball bounced up and hit him on the hand as he was trying to get up.


    If that had been given against us, Collum would have been getting called for all the soandso soansos.


    Blaming the ref for what happened today is an extreme case of clutching at straws.


    Having seen the replays we were extremely lucky that we did not go in at half time down to nine men.


    I didn't say it was a deliberate handball. It is handball nevertheless & a penalty should have been awarded as he prevented Miller getting the ball. Unless the rules have changed & penalties aren't awarded if the handball isn't deliberate of course

  10. We were awful for the first 60 minutes today but I was amazed that we got three or four good clearcut chances in the last 30 minutes which we didn't take. And Collum bottled it to give us a penalty when Simunovic handled whilst lying on the deck.

  11. Yes I do not think their anything great but still way ahead of us. Next season we must be a lot closer, but that will depend on who we sign.


    If we can get someone up front who can get 25-30 goals in the SPFL we will challenge them.

    Won't be easy but that's what's required

  12. I didn't think Tav touched the ball and I'm not convinced the C****c player handled, I will need to see both again, however the fact our players didn't turn up was most disappointing.


    Miller was incensed when he didn't get the penalty

  13. I think we will need to reserve judgement on PC until he gets some of his own players in


    We must hope we don't get anything like those 11 who arrived last summer most of whom couldn't get near the starting XI. Hopefully PC is identifying the positions which needs strengthening most & will take things from there

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