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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Will vaulks?? I'm sure PC has seen him play loads of times. Utter nonsense as usual from the mhedia
  2. What is important is PC identifies the positions which most need strengthened and prioritises them for recruitment. We must not get a repeat of last summer when Warburton was bringing in players all over the place who didn't improve the quality of the squad. Only one or two were able to get in the starting XI which was nonsense.
  3. If a Rangers player tackled like that and Thomson or Clancy was refereeing I'd guarantee a straight red
  4. Don't worry I'm sure the compliance officer will take care of the Lego muncher......
  5. Read my post again. He takes player & ball. It is dangerous play. Is it ok to break someone's leg as long as you win the ball?
  6. Been away all weekend & just watched highlights. Beaton is a coward who should have shown two redcards in the first half:- 1)Cannot believe lego-muncher didn't get a red card for that elbow on miller. He knows miller will outjump him so uses his elbow to take him out......STRAIGHT RED 2) Simunovic flies into a tackle with both feet & takes player & ball. Dangerous play.......STRAIGHT RED Wee Brenda has certainly learned how to influence referees in this country hasn't he ? After their Ross County game a few weeks ago he knows to kick up the biggest stooshie possible when a poor decision goes against. He even got an apology from the yahoos referee's gaffer Fleming. Somehow can't see Caixinha getting anything here though
  7. if any of these players don't like it then fine. Go find another club. PC must not fall into the same trap as Le Guen. He must be prepared to confront anyone working against him & deal with them accordingly.
  8. Have we dodged a bullet here ? Getting shot off him when we did might have been the smartest move we've done for a while
  9. Incredible isn't it ? So where does Celtic Boys Club get its funding from then ? And Celtic FC have no say whatsoever in who gets appointed in Celtic Boys Club? And all those photos of young boys and Celtic first team players and managers too. Just coincidence ? Do they think we're all stupid ? What we have here is a club infiltrated by paedophiles during the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's and 1990's now too. Is this club just incredibly unlucky or is there something more sinister here? The time has long past when the SFA can bury its head in the sand & pretend there is nothing they can do.If it is proven that cover-ups took place (over 4 decades)severe punishments must take place which may include the removal of past honours, demotion from the top division and a European ban That's how serious this is.
  10. resting in my account loyal ?? need to explain that one
  11. if you were Caixinha would you be prepared to rely on Kranjcar next season ? Rossiter too
  12. and the end of season Japanese tour too
  13. All down to interpretation. Prevented Miller getting a goal-scoring opportunity. Penalty kick every day of the week for me
  14. I didn't say it was a deliberate handball. It is handball nevertheless & a penalty should have been awarded as he prevented Miller getting the ball. Unless the rules have changed & penalties aren't awarded if the handball isn't deliberate of course
  15. We were awful for the first 60 minutes today but I was amazed that we got three or four good clearcut chances in the last 30 minutes which we didn't take. And Collum bottled it to give us a penalty when Simunovic handled whilst lying on the deck.
  16. If we can get someone up front who can get 25-30 goals in the SPFL we will challenge them. Won't be easy but that's what's required
  17. Let me try to cheer things up on here & say that following aberdeen beating hibz yesterday we're almost certainly in the ELQ's for next season......
  18. Miller was incensed when he didn't get the penalty
  19. I think we will need to reserve judgement on PC until he gets some of his own players in We must hope we don't get anything like those 11 who arrived last summer most of whom couldn't get near the starting XI. Hopefully PC is identifying the positions which needs strengthening most & will take things from there
  20. We were embarrassing in the first half & their goal showed why we need to look at a defensive MF player. Second half we got better as game went on but they got their penalty(I thought Tav played the ball) & we never got ours when Simunovic's handled
  21. Clearly hit Simunovic's hand. I think this was the point Miller was making to Collum that the handball prevented the ball coming back out to him. Can only presume Collum never saw it. Penalty every day of the week IMO
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