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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I suspect PC would like to get shot off MOH but wants the other two to be fit for ELQ1.
  2. Perhaps but we may need these players as I dont think we'll be able to sign anyone before ELQ1
  3. Both Senderos & Garner were last minute panic signings before the transfer window closed last august. It was the beginning of the end of the Warburton era.
  4. They are a truly vile club. Their very existence is based on hatred towards this country & ourselves upon which their hardcore support thrives & the controlled mhedia & authorities deliberately ignore. As the political landscape of Scotland changes can we look forward to this being dealt with ??
  5. The yahoo hordes feed off the Rangers-hating bile served up by the yahoo PR machine mostly via yahoo-friendly mhedia & broadcasting outlets. Every single incident to portray big bad Rangers in a bad light gets maximised in the mhedia whilst the many, many more about the yahoos gets swept under the carpet constantly. These cretins are free to call Rangers & its supporters what ever they like whilst we are hammered for the slightest misdemeanour. I cannot condone what gestures the so-called Rangers supporter made to Sinclair but Celtic taking the moral high ground is laughable given it has had racist incidents involving their own supporters as well as employing Leigh Griffiths. I would also suggest Sinclair himself distances himself from people trying to maxmise this incident for he reasons I've given.
  6. I think we need to wait til Caixinha brings in his own players before we make judgement on him.Then he can play a system which suits them accordingly It is clear he doesn't rate the majority of the squad he has inherited much of which I think goes back to last summer when MW was bringing in so many players but few of which improved the squad
  7. There is no MF. As a result there's no creativity or no link up play. Just lumping long balls forward
  8. Murray won't be back even if he wanted to. I don't think any explanation is needed is there ?
  9. Is naismith the player he was ? Hasn't exactly set the heather alight at Norwich.
  10. If Celtc care so much about racism why do they employ Leigh Griffiths who has twice been convicted of racist offences ?
  11. I'd tend to agree with you here. Naismith has hardly set the heather alight since he went to Norwich. Last I looked he was struggling to get in the starting XI. Maybe his best days are behind him ? Lafferty has done little since he left in 2012 & not sure about Whittaker either because he hardly seemed to get a game for Norwich lately. FWIW I think we need to be looking at players under25 with sell-on value
  12. But did the Glazers say they were using their own money like Whyte apparently did ? there's a difference
  13. your fans call us orange b*stards. Is that ok Scott Sinclair ?
  14. he was borrowing from ticketus & using Rangers assets(ST's) to pay it back and everyone thought that was ok?
  15. so if I turn up at my local bank with £18m to deposit or whatever they won't be too bothered where it came from ?
  16. because it was meant to come from one of Whyte's companies. It was supposed to be Whyte's money.
  17. Our chums from the east end don't seem to realise the seriousness of this do they?
  18. Murray started to gamble recklessly with Rangers when the yahoos started to get their ultra soft loans & overdrafts from the Co-op bank. They were starting to compete with us financially & were beating us to players like Scott Brown in 2006.
  19. Most discussion seems to be on Simunovic's tackle but the Lego muncher's elbow was the most obvious. Astraight red every day of the week. He knew Miller would out jump him & took him out. Has John Fleming phoned Caixinha to apologise yet ?
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