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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. LOL first Liverpool manager in decades to win nothing. And that 's after spending £300m !!! Klopp is now trying to get rid off Rogers' expensive duds either by loans (like Markovic at Hull) or by cutting his losses & punting them. He has taken in more than he's spent so far because of Rogers. His hands are tied & will be for the foreseeable future under FSG. The fact Klopp managed to get Liverpool into the CL speaks volumes IMO.
  2. To what ? In the SPFL premiership? One of the poorest leagues in Northern Europe. Do me a favour ! Not exactly an achievement in a league where his budget is probably more than all eleven other teams combined. He couldn'finish third in the CL in a group where Monchengladbach were there for the taking. He failed miserably at Liverpool & no EPL club would touch him with a barge pole anymore And before I forget he Rangers youth coach had the measure of him in the recent game at CP. And Rogers knew it !!
  3. After a difficult start Murty soon realised this squad's limitations. He went to CP and played 4-5-1 with Miller playing up front on his own. The five in MF worked well. Had two gilt-edged chances both fallen to Miller instead of Waghorn we might even have won the game.
  4. Close to winning the league with the team Dalglish built !! When he started bringing in his own players that's when the problems started. And liverpool had to sell their two best players(Suarez and Sterling) to balance the books
  5. Because they see themselves as an Irish Catholic football club. Always have done & always will be. It is whether they should be allowed to promote & antagonise the rest of us with this identity where I have a problem with them. And there's no point in anyone telling them to go back to where they came from. The real Irish don't want them.
  6. You fear Rogers BH ? This was the guy who spent £300m at Liverpool & made them a worse side than the one he inherited. Go ask any Liverpool supporter.
  7. Although I think Thompson's days are numbered.....
  8. My view has always been we cannot judge him til he starts to get his own players in. He must not copy Warburton though who was bringing in players from all over the place last summer, few of which improved the team. Most couldn't even get in the starting XI. Caixinha needs to identify the positions which most need strengthened and prioritise them for his recruitment. If he does that & gets in better quality than we've got he'll have us heading in the right direction that's for sure.
  9. Do you allow him to bring in players ? That was the big mistake the board made last summer when allowing MW to bring in so much dross. A big decision awaits the board again this summer
  10. Miller is rapidly becoming the new jig i.e. Have to find a position for him regardless. He is totally unsuited to MF. He is a striker and if he doesn't play that role he shouldn't be in the team at all
  11. The biggest challenge we will face this summer is trying to move out players we have who are not out of contract. That will be much harder to do than we think
  12. Hopefully the first team can find a new league to play in & be excused from the dreadful SPFL........:bouncy2:i
  13. I don't think it helped that we had 4 defenders, one MF player, one winger & 4 forwards forwards on the park at the end. I genuinely despair at how often we get over-run & outnumbered in MF
  14. If Celtc were any normal business/organisation they'd be facing closure because of this.
  15. Going where ? It's going to be very difficult indeed to get rid off the likes of Garner, Kiernan etc. And offering extended contracts before we kicked a ball in the top flight was utter stupidity
  16. We really are scraping the barrel if we're trying to sign Moult & Heneghan
  17. should the likes of Club1872 not be challenging the club's non-existent PR ?
  18. Cummings ? Signed an extended contract with Hibz last summer & there'll no doubt be a get out clause at a certain value. If we offered MOH then we'd obviously need to add cash
  19. We need to get rid off MOH. Cummings in one of few players in Scotland we'd want but persuading hibz to do a swap deal & cash might not be easy
  20. Because of BREXIT ? Somehow can't see that happening. Will the EPL have to ditch all their non-UK players then ?
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