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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The charges were something the SFO and CPS failed to find despite their resources.

    Leveraged buyouts happen every day of the week,as murray's acquisition of Rangers and that of the Glasiers at Man U are but two examples.


    You're surely not suggesting Whyte's 'acquisition' of Rangers was a leveraged buyout?

  2. Chelsea dont but lower down teams would. Then theres sky. Bt etc.


    The English may be more receptive to us joining but they certainly wouldn't want a hardline Irish republican club whose support hate all things British joining them.

  3. The English don't want the OF & don't need the OF.


    Our only hope of getting out of Scottish football is some sort of North Atlantic league

  4. I remeber Dung saying to Traynor on Sportsound in a round up after games and complaining re no chocoalte biscuits at Ibrox: "Well you and I know some crazy things going on there" (with regards to things not being paid) and I also recall later that Liewwell had been told Rangers weren;t paying NI or PAYE and had remarked "lets see ho this plays out".


    it's utterly scandalous that what was done to us is going to go unpunished - and instead crooks inside and outside the game are benefitting/have benefitted. Then again the Cup Final aftermath last year shows that we are a club that can be attacked with impunity.


    We were never getting justice.


    We had a half-hearted prosecution in front of an inept judge who let the defence counsel ramble on and on about issues which had nothing to do with what the trial was supposed to be about which was whether whyte acquired Rangers fraudulently.


    The whole trial was a sham.

  5. Stroke of genius getting Findlay on the case, wonder who's idea that was? First thought straight away is Whyte himself, but i'm not to sure, if you wanted Whyte's silence the most expedient way is get someone who knows inside knowledge about the club and the background to this case, classic smoke and mirrors, get people to think he's there to get it right up Murray but actually to muddy the waters with historical knowledge. I know i'm reading to much John le Carr'e lol


    You forgot the 15 idiots who sat on be jury. After a 7 week trial it took them just 2 hours to find Whyte not guilty without any defence witnesses called.

    If they thought what Whyte did was perfectly legal then there is little hope for justice in this country. I suspect they had other motives however.

  6. Fair's fair. Thought Jackson was decent on this.



    "At times, throughout the club’s administration, liquidation and Charles Green’s cut-price asset grab"



    Jackson still get his spurious poisonous dig in knowing full well it was "the business" and not "the club" that was liquidated. He is as low and bitter as they come! Never allow him near our club again!


    I wouldn't worry too much about what Keef says. He's just not very good at his job. Never has been.

  7. Maybe not but they should be. Smaller games should bi in Aberdeen, Dundee etc. Where large crowds are expected Ibrox and east end of Glasgow.


    What's the point in putting 'smaller games' to Aberdeen, Edinburgh & Dundee ?

    They'd go to bigger stadiums for bigger crowds bringing in more revenue.

    And we know what stadium Rhegan's SFA has in mind because Peter told him

  8. Scotland's O J Simpson verdict.


    Has the PF office or Police Scotland commented after the verdict or are they too embarrassed?


    They were unconvincing to say the least. I started to wonder about them when all those charges started to get dropped against Whyte, Green, Ahmed etc, etc

  9. Hampden will get sold for housing. Queens Park will go to Lesser Hampden. The SFA will move to the Paedodome.

    It's been on the cards for years.

    Back when Hampden got renovated it should have moved out to Linwood or Coatbridge or similar. Somewhere with quick road routes. Having a national stadium in the centre of a housing estate just doesn't work these days. Too many cars .


    Using the San giro as Scotland's national stadium would be a massive mistake

  10. There's is no way they'll move to Parkhead for the same reason they won't move to Ibrox. The FANS!


    Wouldn't surprise me if Murrayfield becomes our new National Stadium, would make a lot of sense. The Aviva Stadium for example, shares football & rugby internationals.


    Why would the SFA want to fund rugby?

  11. Whyte got off because Donald Findlay convinced the jury that David Murray knew full well from Day 1 who Craig Whyte was and what he was planning on doing.

    Far from "not providing any evidence," Findlay produced various documents which suggested Murray would have flogged us to anyone because he had carved up a deal with Lloyds Bank to keep his metals business if he did. Findlay showed that either Murray did know, or that they should have known - eg. a witness stated that no proper 'due diligence' was ever done on Whyte. That clearly casts reasonable doubt on the verdict on the charge that Whyte fraudulently misled David Murray - you can't defraud someone if they actually know what you're up to & benefitted from it themselves. Murray is now back in the Sunday Times rich list on the back of this "fraud."


    Posters should maybe have followed the trial. The acquittal of the fraud charge was no surprise at all, although how he got off the Companies Act charge I have no idea. But I wasn't in court. The jury were.


    Good summary.

    Now the trial is over I reckon the focus will now switch to Whyte's running of Rangers up to and including administration.

    I don't think we're anywhere near finished yet

  12. Did anyone else see Rhegan on the STV news ?


    Saying that the SFA's lease at Hampden was up in three years time in 2020 & they were considering other venues for staging games.


    You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that Peter has told him to use the San Giro for Scotland home games & cup finals.


    On the day of the conclusion of Whyte's trial this was the perfect day for Rhegan to sneak out this news. I wonder how many others amongst our support noticed this.

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