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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He won't need to. He should be gone in the morning
  2. We go & get ourselves a new manager. Let the D of F get his choice
  3. There should have been no permanent managerial appointment til the D of F got appointed.
  4. Since Kingco took over they've made three managerial appointments. One caretaker & two permanent appointments. None have worked. That tells its own story. Caixinha cannot continue. First 5-1 at home by the yahoos and now this.
  5. Caixinha was a rushed appointment. We should have stuck with Murty til the end of the season
  6. And losing 5-1 at home to the yahoos
  7. If we lose another between now and the end of the ninety minutes we're out. This is our worst ever result in Europe if we get beat here
  8. I started to worry about Caixinha after we lost 5-1 at home to the yahoos. Watching last Thursday and now this I'm beginning to think my instincts were right
  9. We really must start scoring goals, especially against a side like this. If we don't we're looking at the same again from last season
  10. We really should be thrashing a team like this....
  11. Shocking news............. The mhedia will be all over this. Expect a statement from Foul by Mouth (or whatever they're called) calling the Rangers manager a bigot.
  12. Who advised him then ? Margaret McGibbon? You decide
  13. He left because he knew he could walk away & earn far more in the EPL. Now he's stuck in the championship and his career down south is floundering. FWIW I doubt the Rangers board would take back any of the walkways. Nor should they.
  14. Naismith now faces the prospect of ending his career in obscurity at Norwich who won't be back in the EPL for a long time to come. Slogging it out in the CHampionship which is a tough league. Unlucky Steven.
  15. So who was it Steven who advised you ? Who was it who influenced you & Whittaker to make the statement about not wanting to play for Sevco ? I think all of this needs to be out in the open before bridges can be rebuilt
  16. Unless we can start scoring a lot more goals. I was surprised when I went on Thursday to discover Waghorn starting ahead of Morelos. We have to hope both he & Herrera can score a lot more than Miller & Waghorn managed last season. Limassol aren't beyond us if we can start hitting the net more often
  17. Alves will provide leadership on the park. Something we're currently lacking.
  18. I thought we did ok in the first half but didn't create enough chances. Second half got worse as the game went on, especially when Krankjcar went off who was he only player who seemed able to create anything. Overall though it was hugely disappointing against a poor side of the calibre of Progres Niderkorn in front of a near capacity crowd
  19. I'd like us to sign Dorrans but I don't want to see us over-stretch ourselves to get him
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