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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The likes of Liewell and others have misled deluded individuals to believe if we lost the BTC then titles & trophies would be removed from us.


    But they knew that removal of honours wasn't going to happen and were probably privately hoping we'd win the BTC and they'd use that excuse for not doing so.


    Now though they have a problem on their hands. A very big problem indeed. The slabbering, Rangers-hating hordes are on the march and are very irate. They're demanding the removal of titles & trophies as promised.


    Yesterday's SFA statement is very clear as to what actions will now be taken -NONE.


    This isn't going to end well. Sit back and let's enjoy the implosion.

  2. What a pompous statement from Runners-Up FC. Laughable really.


    It is to placate the slabbering hordes who are waiting on title stripping.


    It is going to be fun to watch when they realise that's not happening & they've been misled.

  3. I think that this is very true and that already will have turned on those you mention. That nutter Alex T. from C4 was havering about Dungcaster and Regan having to be replaced. He's so thick that he doesn't realise that's the last thing that Liewwell wants and that we'd be delighted. He actually believes they are letting us get away with illegalities. Incidentally he repeatedly has called what we did "illegal" today - is that not libellous? We should go after him and C4 if it was done via one of their platforms.


    To be illegal they'd need to be tax evasion & HMRC have never called EBT's tax evasion.

    What will be interesting now is to see if BDO pursue anyone over this.

  4. I genuinely wonder if today's verdict was the one Liewell DIDN'T want.


    Had BDO/us(!) won then he could have passed it off as favouritism from the 'establishment' towards us. And there could have been no prospect therefore of title-stripping, trophies removed etc,


    Now though the slabbering, Rangers-hating hordes are restless and are demanding all sorts of actions which are totally undeliverable. What they overlook, as has been pointed out today more than once, is that HMRC never called these EBT schemes tax evasion, which is illegal.


    I suspect that was the thinking behind the SFA's carefully worded statement this afternoon.


    Now though will the hordes now turn on Liewell, Dumbaster and all the rest of our detractors ? Leading these people to believe removing of titles & trophies was a feasible outcome may come back to haunt them with a vengeance.


    maybe the tide has turned today, the day after our worst ever result for two reason: firstly we are rid off SDM and secondly are we about to witness an implosion as the hordes begin to realise they've been conned ?

  5. Every single Rangers fan and anyone from the club will say the same. The ultimate question is: will the SFA and SPFL whip up a new commission and whether they actually have any ruling to strip anything (methinks no) - thus far.


    how can they try us twice for the same 'offence' ? and find us guilty twice of not declaring side letters. we got fined £250k IIRC

  6. Don't think he was banned. It's a banned substance he was found guilty of taking in a Luxembourg league game in May. The asthma drug. The Luxembourg doping authority declared positive tests on June 17th. Niedercorn should have declared his use of this drug which presumably also enhances performances and got approval to play him before the game (I assume he was taking it before the Ibrox game too). Whilst we lost primarily because we were sh**te I suspect if we knocked out a superior club and we had the offending player then their officials would want to get to the bottom of it. When did he take it? What dosage? Doctors evidence? UEFA rules that are applicable? Sanctions that are applicable?


    We should be treated the same as any other club irrespective of the fact we are an embarrassment and don't deserve to go through.


    Nothing to do with what we deserve or don't deserve. Was this guy eligible to play ?

  7. People are quick to forget that we have Alves, Pena, Herrera, Dorrans and possibly other to come in and settle.


    They should be here & settled in already. If not they shouldn't be here. We needed serious rebuilding after last season in a short space of time. It didn't happen

  8. Cant believe what Im waking up to.


    Pedro has got it all to do now. His single mindedness and dictating approach of 10 days off in the summer in order to go through has bitten him and he hasn't changed this Warburton team one ounce. I agree with earlier poster that Murty did more.


    The problem is we have bought and spent before this disaster happened so any change probably means new signings jump on the first bus out of Ibrox.


    Like a few others after the 5-1 defeat by Celtic alarm bells were ringing of stubbornness - it wasn't knee jerk reaction because he had the cup game prior to that and had the chance to address things.


    4th best team from Luxembourg who had only scored 1 goal in Europe before - serious questions have to be asked.


    The only positive from all of this is there will be more Saturday fixtures rather than playing on Sundays had we reached group stages.


    Believe me there are no positives from tonight whatsoever.

  9. we've already heard how there were fans irate enough to be breaking up seats


    what was he going to do?


    challenge the fans to a square go?


    these guys had paid hundreds of pounds to watch that shite


    the guy's a fucking charlatan


    He's out of his depth first and foremost.

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