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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Dick Advocaat had the problem of coming up against one of the greatest football brains in the world, Wim Jansen. Even today in Holland he is still classed as one of the most knowledgeable people in football


    Advocaat never faced Jansen when he was Rangers manager

  2. Despite what some may say, I don't think the title stripping in 2012 was ever going to happen.Removing honours could easily have led to sponsors & TV companies(having paid in large sums) taking legal action against the Scottish football authorities.


    I disagree with ur statement about not paying tax debt. We got put in SFL3 because the then SPL wouldn't allow us to transfer our SPL share from oldco to newco following the CVA rejection. The tax debt was Whyte not paying PAYE/NI at the time. It wasn't EBT-related which is what the current hysteria is about and I believe what it was mostly about in 2012. But it's outcome was unknown then


    But what we're now dealing with is individuals & supporters groups who were led to believe back in 2012 that had Rangers lost the BTC then titles stripping would take place. These people never considered the legal aspects of EBT's which Lord Hodge laid bare last week. They were not illegal.


    So how they now proceed in their title stripping remains to be seen. The likes of LIewell, Milne & Thompson may well have some explaining to do to appease their slabbering, Rangers-hating hordes.

  3. And their ebt


    They did, of course, pay the tax on Juninho's EBT ( after he left was it not ?) Just as BDO are now going to do.


    And can someone may enlighten me here but did BDO not at one time question the amount of tax due on our EBT's and that is was nowhere near the figures being quoted in the mhedia?

  4. Why was Pedro so important a candidate has to be asked. Judging by his CV it should have been binned at the first stage. Now we have thrown millions at him. Why were the Parks so much an influence in that decision. I wish I could be more positive but I still don't think he has a scooby what he is doing. Tuesday's set-up just cements my thoughts. Goalkeepers rarely make good coaches as their football brain is not developed the same as outfield players. That is my opinion and not an investigated fact.


    Who applied who had a better cv?

  5. we are tramping the same road with pedro as the five previous managers,failure,question is why and who is responsible for repeating this pattern.


    The persons who are responsible are the ones who appoint the manager I.e. the board.


    What we've got now though is a D of F who was appointed after the manager got appointed which I think is wrong

  6. You have to be careful where you look for the debate on this Ian.


    The bank he is linked to was not run by him, despite him being a large shareholder. Why would they strip titles from CFC for a bank completely unrelated to them being fraudulent ? The only connection is DD - CFC never ran the fraud so why would they have titles stripped ?


    There are certainly areas where you could question "sporting advantage" but this wouldn't be one of them. Soft loans from Co-op, GCC land deals etc are all ways to suggest sporting advantage was gained - remember.... sporting advantage isn't about "legal or illegal" - it is about unfair sporting advantage - CFC received such, particularly with the land deals and soft loans at deeply discounted interest rates. Fight the fight on THAT level. Not this one.


    This bank fraud is nothing to do with CFC, only the personal shareholding of DD.


    But does Desmond's involvement with this bank mean he's a F&PP as per the SFA's rules ?

    Yahoos who question King should look closer to home IMO

  7. Id rather win the league. Id also like to factor in the stage of the cup.


    Perhaps murty can manage the early cup rounds. Give pedro some time off.


    I repeat pedro is demonstrably more likely to win than murty.


    Caixinha was correct when he decided the squad needed a complete overhaul after last season. But that overhaul needed to be completed before the ELQ's. But it wasn't. It should have been.

  8. The funny thing is.... Mad Joe's statement, and the sentence in particular that you highlight... actually supports the case to NOT strip the titles.


    Mad Joe's assertion is that LNS made his judgement on the basis that the EBT's were legal. Ergo, Joe is saying that if they were legal then no sporting advantage was gained. Mad Joe is now making the spectacular mistake of suggesting that the EBT's were legal. Even the findings from the SC the other day stated that the EBT's were bona fide legal tax avoidance schemes and, therefore, no titles should be stripped.


    Joe, didn't realize you were a closet Bear - but thanks for the above statement and thanks for providing the Celtic fans with the statement they needed to hear - one that proves beyond doubt that titles shouldn't be stripped because, as LNS says, no sporting advantage was gained because the EBT's were legal.


    The bit I don't get is that if they were legal tax avoidance schemes why does oldco owe tax on them?

  9. So did Whyte actually save Rangers after all ( whether intentionally or not) ?


    The club and its assets had to be taken out the oldco & transferred to a newco before the BTC bill landed.


    Whyte did that albeit by dubious means so did he effectively save Rangers ?

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