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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Unlike the BBC the Rhecord can put out whatever articles it likes regardless. If C1872 or anyone believes any of these articles are libellous then they should act accordingly.


    I don't read or buy the Rhecord. I couldn't care what it writes. But I hope we're not developing paranoia here.


    The Rhecord is a national newspaper with a circulation which is falling fast. From a business perspective I'd suggest alienating the Rangers support is very unwise

  2. 'The Daily Record is entirely free to push a one sided agenda if it so wishes'


    It's been that way for years with anything rangers-related. Just don't buy the rhag or read it on line. It'll be gone in a few years anyway if it's circulation keeps falling the way it is just now. The sooner the better.

  3. The latest TV deal could be the start of a domino effect of multiple issues. Clubs getting funds to a new level and players moving on transfers that bar China are in a league of their own. In the coming few seasons you could see a few clubs doing a Leeds. The Premier league used to be two horse races, Man Utd / Newcastle, Man Utd / Arsenal in the 90s. Then Chelsea joined the race, then Man City. And now Spurs are in their albeit not via money and Everton are stepping it up also. Yet there is only 4 CL spaces so 3 will miss out. It cant be that far away before a Euro Super league will have genuine discussions.


    Given a choice between the EPL or CL english clubs would take the EPL every time as it's worth more to them financially. Also why I don't think English clubs would be too keen on any super euro league

  4. Given that we have a new manager and 9 new players; can someone please explain to me what the DoF does for the rest of the season apart from pick up a fat salary?


    He has plenty to do. Ship out as many of MW's duds before the end of next month & replace them with better quality signings.


    And he needs to be ready to bring in a new manager at short notice should this situation arise in the near future as I expect it will...

  5. What do we do now that sackings haven't took place?


    Well it's plain obvious...


    Board stick with what we have because...

    a) Board are skint and can't afford to pay Pedro off!

    b) Board don't want to embarrass themselves more due to continuous mistakes on selecting a manager!


    I'll opt for b) and why we currently find ourselves in the soup of the day.


    I'd agree hence why they've opted for a D of F.

    But the D of F must have his choice as manager IMO.

    After last week I'm not sure about that

  6. I agree that we should have won against this team, however you only make managerial changes if it's in the interests of the club. I'm just glad the board is sensible enough not to suffer from the hysteria of this result and appears to be giving the manager the time he needs and deserves. Anything else would be ridiculous. I've said before, it's this type of reaction from fans that has me deeply concerned about the prospect of fan ownership. I'd hate to think that fans like you would force such a change of manager or even resist taking the risk of someone like PC in the first place. That's not personal against you. It's just an honest concern that I have. I'm personally glad we have a board that has courage in its convictions, and it's that same courage and conviction that gave them control of the club to save it.


    Don't you think when we can't beat Progres Niederkorn over two games then someone has to accept responsibility ?

    As for Caixinha I've been unconvinced by him since we lost 5-1 at home to the yahoos.

  7. This wasn't an excuse .... I was just stating facts. Maybe you misunderstood.


    Maybe I did misunderstand your comment but it is totally unacceptable that we got put out the ELQ's by a team like Progres Niederkorn..

    Even worse is that no one has resigned or been sacked as a result of last week.

  8. I think AEL will beat them comfortably in Cyprus, watched no doubt by some Bears who had already booked the trip/holidays.


    But let's make no mistake about it, AEL would have been a tough one for us.


    I know it's a long way off but should we not be arranging a number of friendlies throughout the season against the likes of AEL in preparation for next season's qualifiers. And not against the likes of RB Leipzig this time maybe

  9. What do you mean by this? Our club was banished to the lower leagues, meaning that we have been out of European football for years. That's the position we find ourselves in, and you think that is our fault?!? Maybe it is, but what value was your post in pointing that out again?


    We have a long way to go to recover as a club, and pre-season qualifying this early is the consequence. That's what def Berliner was simply stating, as if you didn't know.


    Excuses, excuses....we should have been more than capable of beating a team that finished 4th in the luxembourg league

  10. Nor should they be! I've had a couple of shocking days at my work in the past few months but I wouldn't expect to be sacked either. You guys really need to get a grip and stop this hysteria. We lost a game of football because one team took their two chances and we didn't take ours. We won the first game and should have been out of sight at half time. That's football.


    As for the manager being sacked because he should make sure the players are fit .... fitness is about mental fitness too and if you're the attacking team (which we were), it takes 6-7 weeks to reach the sharpness required for this style of football (or any other for that matter). Progres should be commended because they had a game plan which relied on them putting eleven men behind the ball and keeping us out. They did it brilliantly, and it annoys me to hear them called a pub team. There are few pro teams that can keep the concentration going for as long as they did and I take my hat off to them.


    Seriously ?? Are you try to make excuses for not being able to beat Progres Niderkorn over two legs ? Okay they're not a pub team they're a village team. Is that any better ?


    One week later & I still cannot believe or accept that result. And find it even more difficult to take that no one has taken responsibility for it within Rangers. If we want to be a big club we need to start behaving like one.

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