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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Unlike the BBC the Rhecord can put out whatever articles it likes regardless. If C1872 or anyone believes any of these articles are libellous then they should act accordingly. I don't read or buy the Rhecord. I couldn't care what it writes. But I hope we're not developing paranoia here. The Rhecord is a national newspaper with a circulation which is falling fast. From a business perspective I'd suggest alienating the Rangers support is very unwise
  2. 'The Daily Record is entirely free to push a one sided agenda if it so wishes' It's been that way for years with anything rangers-related. Just don't buy the rhag or read it on line. It'll be gone in a few years anyway if it's circulation keeps falling the way it is just now. The sooner the better.
  3. I'm sure we'd all love to do that but after getting put out ELQ1 by Progres Niderkorn don't you think a lot of the concern is more than justified
  4. Given a choice between the EPL or CL english clubs would take the EPL every time as it's worth more to them financially. Also why I don't think English clubs would be too keen on any super euro league
  5. He has plenty to do. Ship out as many of MW's duds before the end of next month & replace them with better quality signings. And he needs to be ready to bring in a new manager at short notice should this situation arise in the near future as I expect it will...
  6. I'd agree hence why they've opted for a D of F. But the D of F must have his choice as manager IMO. After last week I'm not sure about that
  7. Don't you think when we can't beat Progres Niederkorn over two games then someone has to accept responsibility ? As for Caixinha I've been unconvinced by him since we lost 5-1 at home to the yahoos.
  8. Maybe I did misunderstand your comment but it is totally unacceptable that we got put out the ELQ's by a team like Progres Niederkorn.. Even worse is that no one has resigned or been sacked as a result of last week.
  9. I know it's a long way off but should we not be arranging a number of friendlies throughout the season against the likes of AEL in preparation for next season's qualifiers. And not against the likes of RB Leipzig this time maybe
  10. Excuses, excuses....we should have been more than capable of beating a team that finished 4th in the luxembourg league
  11. As it should have been for us last week....
  12. Are the people who run the DR daft ? Its circulation is going thro' the floor. I'd have thought the last thing it needs is a Rangers boycott
  13. Can Lovenkrands still play ? Younger than Kenny Miller I believe. If things get as bad as I expect then who knows
  14. Some of the tactics baffle me such as Kenny Miller playing in MF. Like he was at Ibrox against Progres Niderkorn second half
  15. If this is true then it is very worrying news indeed.Looks the D of F could be very busy in the weeks & months ahead
  16. Am I expecting too much to suggest ourU20'sshould be significantly better than Tynecastle or East Stirling ?
  17. So some have got voting shares & some don't. Why would anyone buy non-voting shares? So who owns Celtic FC Ltd ?
  18. Which one of their companies does Desmond own over 40 percent of ? Is it the same one as the one Mccann got them buying shares in but no voting rights ?
  19. We can only look on in envy at the TV & sponsorship money down south. Scottish football administered its own suicide (or sporting integrity as idiots would call it) when we got voted out the then SPL in 2012.
  20. Seriously ?? Are you try to make excuses for not being able to beat Progres Niderkorn over two legs ? Okay they're not a pub team they're a village team. Is that any better ? One week later & I still cannot believe or accept that result. And find it even more difficult to take that no one has taken responsibility for it within Rangers. If we want to be a big club we need to start behaving like one.
  21. Very worrying indeed if that's the case. We need far higher performances targets throughout at Rangers
  22. One week on from our worst ever result no one has been sacked & no one has resigned. Absolutely shocking
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