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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If the football authorities are unwilling to take the appropriate action against this vile club and the large sections of its support who continue to show their support for banned militant Irish Republicanism within their own stadium & away too then the politicians must do what they are paid to do. For starters there must be closures of parts of the stadium for a fixed period of time after which a review will take place as to whether the closures will be continued or ended subject to being monitored thereafter. Their away fixtures should be treated with the same scrutiny too. It would, of course, require Westminster to do this because it goes without saying that the SNP & SLAB at Holyrood wouldn't have the balls to do this. And is it not incredible that not a word from these people since Wednesday ? Especially from the SNP who gave us the Flawed Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. And there must be a full investigation into how to those got into the ground on Wednesday along with those involved.
  2. It is the manager's job to find a suitable system. That is still ongoing. The first team squad is being completely overhauled from last season. I'm sure there will be more comings & goings between now & the end of next month when the transfer window closes
  3. Tunnicliffe's an interesting one. Seemed to lose his way a bit but might be worth a gamble for a one year contract. If we're looking at players like Tunnicliffe it seems to me Pedro wants a complete clear out from last season.
  4. Maybe Caixinha thinks McKay's replacement, Jamie Walker, is more of a goal threat than him
  5. Isn't Stewart Robertson already on the SFA's professional game board ?
  6. Hilarious to see/hear players from last season supposedly plotting against the Rangers manager. In all honesty the Rangers manager would be perfectly entitled to get rid off every first team squad member from last season if he saw fit to do so.
  7. You've just given the main reason why Caixinha won't be building his MF around Krankcjar. Rossiter too. Does anyone seriously think Caixinha will put his faith in two players who missed so many games last season ? He wants shot off them
  8. I think Krankcjar is a player whose best days are well behind him. And Caixinha realises this & wants shot off him
  9. If Miller thinks he's going to get rid off Caixinha the same way wee Barry's Gang got shot off PLG then he's badly mistaken IMO
  10. I'm not sure Caixinha sees Miller in his starting XI anymore unlike last season. Maybe that's a problem
  11. We seem to be struggling to score goals & that has got to be a worry. That was our biggest failing last season & if it hasn't been sorted with the signings close season then that is very bad news indeed. And the signs didn't look good against Progres Niederkorn either did they ? Scoring one goal in 2 games against the fourth best team in luxembourg simply isn't good enough although starting with Miller & Waghorn up front in the first leg wasn't the wisest decision Caixinha will ever make. If this lack of goals continues I wonder if we'll see a move for Naismith before the end of next month(providing some of MW's duds get shipped out) where he'll maybe partner Morales up front with Walker wide. Who knows
  12. I'm sure Herrera will soon return the compliment to Miller.
  13. Walker got 12 league goals last season for hertz & wants to play for Rangers. McKay got 6 league goals for Rangers last season & didn't want to sign a new contract. It's really that simple
  14. why should they be sacked ? maybe Walker's a better player than McKay.
  15. I'd suggest the opposite. This time the Rangers board will back the manager. PLG will not be repeated. I think we can expect to see more arrivals & departures before transfer deadline day
  16. The PAYE and VAT that HMRC allowed to build over 5 or 6 months ? Maybe HMRC will now come out & explain that one.
  17. That's exactly what it is. They haven't a legal leg to stand on. Their problem now though is how to appease the pondlife in fans groups whom they had led to believe we'd get honours removed if we lost the BTC. This isn't going to end well. Topping's getting out. Just as well for him
  18. He should remember what happened to Scott Allan. Walker should sit tight but get on with his game as normal. What Allan didn't do. Hertz will sell. They can't afford not to.
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