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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Brendan must go ? what's he done ? apart from looking like someone who doesn't want to be there anymore. He must regret getting involved with this bunch of zealots.
  2. remember whyte got banned sin die by the SFA. He couldn't be seen to be involved
  3. As I've said before Liewell & co were privately hoping we'd win the BTC. Things haven't worked out as planned. They now have a lot of explaining to do to some very unhappy people they made implications to which will never see the light of day.............
  4. Naismith would probably get a pay-off from Norwich to allow him to join us on as free. The reservations I have about Naismith is whether he's not the player he was & whether we should be signing yet another player over 30 with no resale value
  5. No mention of the offensive banners I see.
  6. The oldco is in a liquidation process and will be so for years to come I'd suggest. Not liquidated yet.
  7. Norwich would need to write off a lot of the £8m fee the paid for Naismith who'd need to accept a very large pay cut to join us
  8. Liewell could be getting isolated in all of this title-stripping. Milne came out yesterday against it & now Petrie not even involved with SPFL board
  9. How could Whyte(or any of his companies) possibly have any claim after the CVA got rejected and oldco got put in a liquidation process?
  10. I think he'll do well at Man Utd. However other areas must still give cause for concern for them. The fact Carrick still seemed to be getting a game last season spoke volumes
  11. I'm not convinced we're as near to signing Naismith as some seem to think. However that may change between now & the transfer window closing
  12. Conte must be furious about not getting Lukaku
  13. Creating the GB was like unleashing a tiger which has turned to maul you. These people see Celtc as a vehicle for their political or whatever aims. Too late now for Liewell to do anything The authorities(including football authorities) need to take whatever decisive action against the club is deemed necessary to prevent this happening again. If that means suspending or cancelling fixtures and playing behind closed doors so be it. The time for words is over. Action is needed now.
  14. So long as there is a reasonable fee involved. No point in shelling out millions for someone who's almost 31 AFAIK
  15. Let's hope we can take a bit of confidence from this. However the lack of goals from the forwards has still got to be a worry
  16. Let's hope we don't get Kenny Miller the MF player again today
  17. Milne's supporters groups will not like that statement. Neither will Liewell.
  18. Aren't they already banned ? If so has to be enforced. Questions need to be asked about Plod Scotland's approach to policing home games at CP. They seem to turn a blind eye to just about everything
  19. I see they've closed the GB section for their next two home games. Just close the whole club down. See if any other country would take them. I doubt it.
  20. Because it's all a sham, that's why. No one is prepared to confront this vile club & the pseudo paramilitary it attracts.
  21. As I said previously it's now up to the politicians to take action against this vile club & the pseudo-paramilitary pondlife it attracts. Holyrood won't do anything so it's up to Westminster.
  22. I'll bite. I'd rate Progres niederkorn bottom half Scottish Premiership standard.
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