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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I suspect our interest in Walker has cooled a bit. I'd imagine our last offer was' take it or leave it' to hertz who could end up with nothing
  2. If he didn't know already, he's now beginning to realise the type of club he's working for and the type of people he's working with.
  3. Just shut the club down. Or see if any other country would take them. I doubt it though.
  4. It is up to the politicians to deal with this vile club but they will not do so.
  5. Both ourselves & the yahoos played friendlies in England over the weekend. Which club's support emerged with more credit ? Clue-you won't find the answer in the Daily record. I rest my case
  6. Cathro is an over-promoted coach. Nothing more.
  7. There will undoubtedly be more players coming in & others going out. We'll have a better idea of where we are at the end of next month. What I will say though is that this is the third season running we've been bringing in large numbers of players at the start of the season. We can't keep doing this & we need to get to some sort of settled side good enough to be challenging for the title which we'd add two or three to each season. Hopefully we're heading that way now.
  8. It's why Rangers must get out of Scottish football. No idea how to do that. If some sort of North Atlantic league ever started involving the smaller euro nations we'd need to be part of it
  9. We won't hold onto any player with resale value like Cardoso,or Jack if they do well for us. When they go we must replace them with equal or better calibre players we have already identified. And so the process goes on...... Welcome to Scottish football 2017. Impoverished
  10. Another pleasing result/display although only a friendly. Still think there will be more leaving and more coming in before the end of next month Only then will we be able to assess properly but signs are looking good. Just a pity we couldn't have got this sorted before the ELQ's
  11. He's 23. Not young in my book. He's struggled for a variety of reasons since signing for us.
  12. O'Halloran was probably the first major MW signing that people questioned. Soon to be followed by a whole load of dross in the summer
  13. Don't know why any English club would want to play them at home in a friendly anyway. Everyone knows what sort of club they are and the type of pondlife they attract as supporters.
  14. Three of the four defenders got substituted against Motherwell because of injuries. It was forced upon him
  15. Pedro doesn't want him. Probably hoping this leads to something permanent for him although probably not at St Johnstone
  16. KIllie were almost certainly one of the three clubs who held the infamous 'Sunday evening meeting' after we got voted out the SPL. These clubs were concerned that they'd see a drastic reduction in their revenue because of this & weren't convinced by Liewell's poodle Regan that we'd only got demoted one division for one season. They were ultimately correct. These three clubs realised that if we had to apply to the SFL we'd need to go to the bottom tier and the money we brought to the top tier would be missing for at least three seasons I suspect the likes of Billy Bowie simply wants to draw a line under everything and move on. Stewart Milne too. I just wish they'd have the courage to lambast Regan's role in all of this
  17. Serious questions need asked regards Plod Scotland and its policing at the San Giro on matchdays. Or should I say lack of policing.
  18. Once/if Herrera & morales settle in & start getting goals then I'd doubt Miller will feature much
  19. It's not UEFA or the SFA who be dealing with this. It's Plod SCotland
  20. Put simply, their hatred of Rangers transcends all else including honesty & doing their job properly
  21. Won't do confidence any harm but can't read too much into these results
  22. well Brendan is wrong then. That's the only reason they exist
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