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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I thought we'd seen the back of him when he went to Bolton. The nick of him on Saturday was embarrassing for Scottish Football - an ugly, pear shaped, ginger scrote, who acts like a complete moron with no class whatsoever.


    Scotland will be a better place when he's gone.


    When he left the yahoos in 2014 he was expecting an EPL job but the EPL clubs wouldn't entertain the likes of him. They completely blanked him because they wouldn't want his type anywhere near them


    So he ended up at Bolton at the bottom of the championship who had a transfer embargo. Even they got shot off him soon enough.


    He's now back in Scottish football because nowhere else would have him.

  2. In all honesty Plod Scotland are completely useless when it comes to most matters at football grounds.


    A Wee Ginger ned with yellow teeth trying to provoke nearly 50,000 spectators is fine but some wee guy outside singing the wrong song gets lifted.


    Their priorities are all wrong. Plod Scotland are heavily controlled by their creators at Holyrood. That needs to end.

  3. When I think about that, it reminds me of poor Alex Clelland against Del Pierro. I'm not comparing these players, but it's funny how a memory can just jump in there with a simple reminder.


    If Candeias does half the job Del Pierro did that night, Whittaker may have nightmares for a long time.


    I'm really looking forward to the midfield battle to see if we are now up to the physical challenge as well as the skill. Equally, it'll be interesting to see how our new look central defence copes against strikers that are probably as good as we will face all season in the league.


    You should always do your homework on the opposition & concentrate on their weaknesses. Whittaker is good going forward but is there for the taking defensively.

  4. Does the boycott of Ibrox by the BBC affect the amount of TV money Rangers are entitled to at the end of the season? Surely a BBC boycott of games from Ibrox is hitting BBC Scotland financially since we are by far and away the best supported team in Scotland in terms of viewing figures?


    Hitting BBC Scotland financially? LOL yer havin' a laugh

    It is funded by the licence fee which you pay whether you watch BBC or not

  5. Am I understanding this correctly ?


    A yahoo( presumably) sent an email to Dunfermline about the BTC, wasn't satisfied with the reply and duly went to the SFA who then contacted Dunfermline on the yahoo's behalf to presumably ask the same question again with, no doubt, lots of add-ons from the original question (because that's the way yahoos work)


    Should we be asking what it was the SFA askedDunfermline ?

    And on whose behalf ?

    If allegations are being made should the SFA not bring them out into the open ?


    I genuinely wonder about the conduct of the SFA in all of this.

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