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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. get a decent scouting system and we will. signing players like Moreles is how to do it
  2. I'm prepared to give Pedro the benefit of the doubt against hibz. Had Beaton done his job properly I don't think we'd have lost. However I am concerned to see Kenny Miller in MF again. Either he plays up front or not at all.
  3. If Miller plays he plays as a striker thro' the middle. But he may find that difficult now because of Morelos. Otherwise Miller shouldn't be in the starting XI
  4. The signs are looking good. Very good in fact. I think Morelos can hit a lot more than 20
  5. When he left the yahoos in 2014 he was expecting an EPL job but the EPL clubs wouldn't entertain the likes of him. They completely blanked him because they wouldn't want his type anywhere near them So he ended up at Bolton at the bottom of the championship who had a transfer embargo. Even they got shot off him soon enough. He's now back in Scottish football because nowhere else would have him.
  6. In all honesty Plod Scotland are completely useless when it comes to most matters at football grounds. A Wee Ginger ned with yellow teeth trying to provoke nearly 50,000 spectators is fine but some wee guy outside singing the wrong song gets lifted. Their priorities are all wrong. Plod Scotland are heavily controlled by their creators at Holyrood. That needs to end.
  7. I think any standing section would be in either the west or east enclosure ?
  8. I still think we're 2 or 3 players short of mounting a serious challenge for the title but that may change between now & the end of the month.
  9. Wee Brenda either needs his eyes tested or his TV set fixed if he thought Bitton got a toe to it. Penalty kick every day of the week
  10. Read what I said. Good going forward but there for the taking defensively.
  11. Timz are usually wee guys with big mooths who run for the hills when challenged. Don't mind admitting it I've skelped a few in my time.
  12. Kill all Huns ? I'm 6ft tall and weigh 17 stone. I fancy my chances Declan.
  13. You should always do your homework on the opposition & concentrate on their weaknesses. Whittaker is good going forward but is there for the taking defensively.
  14. If Whittaker is playing for Hibz tomorrow we should put Candeias against him & try to give him the ball as much as possible
  15. Hitting BBC Scotland financially? LOL yer havin' a laugh It is funded by the licence fee which you pay whether you watch BBC or not
  16. Regards OP, far too early to say. We'll face far stiffer test in the weeks & months ahead than we got last night.
  17. If allegations have been made to the SFA involving Rangers have the SFA informed Rangers about these allegations &who is making them?
  18. Perhaps a loan with a club in the top division would be better for him now. No more championship sides
  19. We can't have another season like last season The bar needs to be raised. The Rangers board made money available to be spent on the squad & it needs to be seen to have been spent wisely.
  20. Am I understanding this correctly ? A yahoo( presumably) sent an email to Dunfermline about the BTC, wasn't satisfied with the reply and duly went to the SFA who then contacted Dunfermline on the yahoo's behalf to presumably ask the same question again with, no doubt, lots of add-ons from the original question (because that's the way yahoos work) Should we be asking what it was the SFA askedDunfermline ? And on whose behalf ? If allegations are being made should the SFA not bring them out into the open ? I genuinely wonder about the conduct of the SFA in all of this.
  21. If we don't win this by at least 3 or 4 goals then questions need to be asked
  22. No worries. I'm sure Plod Scotland will already be on the case as we speak.............
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