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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Under-pressure managers always turn to so-called experienced players to save their jobs. But if I were Pedro I'd be very wary of relying on Miller who's well past his best & should not be used in any MF role


    Because we lack creativity in MF.


    We may well end up going for Moult before the transfer window closes We need someone who can score goals in this league to help Morelos because Miller is finished as far as I'm concerned and must not play in MF again. But it would place a huge question mark over the Herrera signing would it not ? Not to mention Pena too
  4. Can someone explain to me why Pedro thinks he can play Kenny Miller in MF?
  5. I'll get slaughtered for saying this but I genuinely thought at the time Allan would have been an excellent signing for us. It was clear MW wanted him. All he had to do was bide his time & he'd have joined us which was what he wanted to do. However he decided to join the yahoos on advice he got from somewhere & the then yahoo manager, Deila, had no in put to the signing. He didn't want him & it showed. Now Allan must look back with much regret
  6. He was very badly advised when he signed for the yahoos.
  7. It is worrying & no I don't think you're expecting too much too soon. Both Pena & Herrera are experienced players. Internationalists too. Compare their starts to that of Morelos, who's just turned 21.
  8. We're they still singing Hertz survived and Rangers died when you met them ? Did you ask them if they were intelligent enough to access the Internet and see the SPFL & UEFA websites to see Rangers history from 1872 to present day ? I suspect they weren't.
  9. The Scotsman is a UK unionist paper which hates Rangers for some reason. Not a particularly wise stance to take from a business perspective I'd have thought
  10. No apology for Pedro from Mr Fleming though?
  11. I suspect the SFA rescinded Jack's red card hoping that will be the end of all matters in what was a game where the referee was hopelessly out of his depth. However matters should not rest there. Beaton must not referee another Rangers game for the foreseeable future. And shouldn't the referee's head honcho John Fleming not be offering Pedro an apology for Beaton's performance? Or is it only Rodgers who gets them ?
  12. We are now getting very short in numbers. We still need at least a couple of signings before the window closes
  13. The problems started when Beaton failed to send off Stokes for grabbing Tavernier by neck & throwing him to the ground. It lit the torch for a bad-tempered game which he simply couldn't control including several inexplicable decisions such as the Jack sending off. if the SFA have any sense they'll keep him well away from Rangers games forthe rest of the season
  14. not much harder. there's 4 champions places instead of 5. And no doubt they'll be seeded
  15. there are 24 places taken. two of the remaining places comes from the N2 and N3 playing each other. two are from the previous season's CL & EL winners. the remaining four is from CH playing each other. that's how I see it
  16. have u got a link? my understanding is the top 4 seeded countries will each get four places=16. the leaves 16 places
  17. another letter on its way to the SFA from Mad Joe as we speak
  18. not quite so is it? the 'champions path' is being retained but with one less place as far as I understand?
  19. can be done. Look at AS Monaco. And anyway the yahoos aren't spending £20m per year on players
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