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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I think he needs more than that. Beating the yahoos & getting to the LC final would be more like it. For me he's still tarnished by that 5-1 defeat at Ibrox by the yahoos & going out of Europe to Progres Niderkorn
  2. Like all managers, results will determine whether Pedro is successful or not during his time here. my view is that he needs a few good results pretty quickly. Otherwise he'll be gone soon.
  3. if the D of F is signing players things don't look good for Pedro.
  4. Pena is our costliest summer signing so far. Unless he is capable of going straight into our starting XI immediately then there was no pointing in buying him. A total waste of money. Herrera too.
  5. Why isn't he playing then ?
  6. So we signed him.....wonderful......absolutely wonderful
  7. Exactly. This signing could be Pedro's downfall. Not to mention Herrera too
  8. I'd doubt that very much. I think McLeish's managerial career is as good as over
  9. Since returning to the top division a year ago we've won just 20 games out of 41. That's nowhere near good enough. That record needs improve first & foremost before anything else
  10. LOL..where we are just now I think winning is everything. I'd suggest the brand of football to be very much of secondary importance
  11. After winning the treble in 2013, McLeish struggled big time after Advocaat's players started leaving.
  12. There is supposedly an issue with Pena but I wouldn't be able to put it on here...
  13. Still early days mind you.... Hibz getting humped 3-1 at home to Accies wasn't expected was it ?
  14. Windass played no part in the build up. I sit directly in line in the SJ rear stand. At the time I didn't think Wallace could have been offside as he was behind Windass when the ball was played thro'.
  15. From his time in Mexico, Pedro must have known all about Pena. Just what made him want to fork out a large teansfer fee(by our standards) to bring him over here ? I wonder what the DofF makes of his?
  16. Having seen the highlights, am I the only one who thinks the first half goal by Morelos should have stood?
  17. Very poor goalkeeping cost Spurs. Never been impressed by Lloris
  18. I'd suggest Garner & Waghorn for example are playing in more open games in the English Championship than the ones they played in up here where teams come to Ibrox & park the bus like hertz did yesterday
  19. Something like his has to happen. We need to get out of Scottish football
  20. Wouldn't be opposed to that. As things currently stand Pena ( & maybe Herrera too) don't look match fit & are of little use to us. The only way they're going to get match fit is to get game time which I don' think we can afford them at he moment. So yes a loan to somewhere for the next few months might be best for both parties after which we might get a better idea if we think they can do a job for us
  21. If Pena isn't match fit, how's he going to get match fit ? Not sitting on the bench he's not. He'll need to go out on loan somewhere possibly til the end of the year
  22. Wasted I'd say. Not spent.
  23. I'd like to see us have three central MF players like the yahoos do. And many others. Just having Jack & Dorrans Central MF leaves a lot of work for them to do because we've got two wide players & two up front. We should sacrifice a wide player or a forward IMO to add another Central MF player to give us a better chance to control games
  24. I don't think Naismith today is the player who left us in 2012 who went to Everton and performed well in the EPL. Signing for Norwich wasn't the best decision he's ever made
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