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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He's made a great start at Rangers. No doubt about that.


    These are still early days yet. But he does look a real prospect who could bring us in a lot of much-needed money if he moves to the EPL or La Liga


    And before that happens we need to have his replacement lined up. That's how this works

  2. I think that's the intention, Rab. Well, to be involved WITH the board, not as a hindrance.


    I do realise that but I think there will be times when the board must be respected,cannot always share information and should be left to take decisions which might not always seem popular.


    My fear is that there will always be elements within the likes of organisations such as C1872 who will act according their instincts and try to make life difficult for the Rangers board in such circumstances. I do not want that to happen.

  3. Unless things don't start improving Pedro will be gone soon.


    I simply don't understand the optimism some seem to have just now. Results have generally been poor since Pedro took over & his major signings of Pena & Herrera don't look like being successful at a time when we cannot afford flops like these for the money we paid.


    And are we going to see Kenny Miller strutting around the MF again on Sunday ? For Pedro's sake I genuinely hope not.

  4. You do note that it gets tiresome if PC can do no good in your book, even if it concerns the ironing of the corner flags or the like?


    I want PC to be successful just like we all do.


    However I do get that déjà vu feeling with him just now like the way it ended with McCoist.


    Put simply, he's had too many unacceptable results in the short time he's had so far as Rangers manager

  5. None of our forward players really did anything to merit a high rating. Jack was tidy and effective, as usual and Alves looked comfortable.


    Miller was useless.


    Someone needs to stop Miller trying to play the MF role he seems to think he can play.


    Is he being told to do this or is he doing it himself?


    He is not suited to a MF role. He gives the ball away too easily for starters

  6. I agree and I also feel Aberdeen for instance make obvious signings like May etc, signings we should make, Moult comes into that category as we know they will do the business, I feel for too long Rangers have signed too many unknown or relative unknowns.


    How do you know Moult would do the business for us ? What does he bring that Garner didn't ?

  7. Seems like an utterly pointless signing for me. We take on wages for four months with almost no chance of him influencing significantly the results we achieve over that period. I bet he doesn't play 6 games.


    His contract is up at the end of the season with Man City. If he does well for us we will try & sign him at the end of the season I'd imagine.


    I'd rather we went after young players like this rather than players in their thirties with no sell on value

  8. If we can't beat Aberdeen and get a draw with that other lot before the New Year then his time is up. Only so many humiliations the Rangers support will tolerate.


    I think he needs more than that. Beating the yahoos & getting to the LC final would be more like it.


    For me he's still tarnished by that 5-1 defeat at Ibrox by the yahoos & going out of Europe to Progres Niderkorn

  9. Like all managers, results will determine whether Pedro is successful or not during his time here.


    my view is that he needs a few good results pretty quickly. Otherwise he'll be gone soon.

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