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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The point I was making wasn’t about the land around Celtic Park. It was about the involvement of the co-op bank & GCC. I think Murray fully realised what was going on. Our support didn’t.
  2. I always thought Murray was spooked when he saw what was going on over the east end during this period. I’d suggest most of our supporters were blissfully unaware. Co-op bank we’re their new bankers & funders brought in by Celtic-supporting SLAB politicians who also facilitated dubious planning permission for the stadium rebuild including a 20000 seater stand fitted into a 43 yard space between the far side touchline & cemetry wall as Brian Wilson likes to boast (others more qualified might suggest otherwise) Murray was starting to look for alternative funding but was getting reckless
  3. Too many didn’t know Murray was a businessman who took many risks which ultimately led to MIH collapse
  4. You can thank Mr Murray for most of that
  5. Poor recruitment has been our biggest problem. We are still well behind Celtic in this department .
  6. Pleased with the end result but I felt we could have done more playing against 10 men for over an hour
  7. Let’s see a few goals second half now they’re down to 10 men
  8. Unlikely McInnes would be getting considered if he hadn’t played for Rangers
  9. But my bigger fear is we end up with another Pedro or PLG
  10. We are where we are after so many wrong appointments ( except GvB maybe)
  11. It could be said McInnes would show a lack of ambition by the board but at the same time might be the safest option from the names quoted
  12. Anyway we’re a bit off topic now. Did Janesen not say he was staying at AZ Alkmaar?
  13. He’s weakened the squad. Of all his signings so far only Butland & Sima look successes( Danilo should do ok once he’s back)
  14. Muscat had allegedly said he’s not leaving Japan til December. No good to us
  15. Does it really matter who the new manager is? The players in the current squad simply aren’t good enough since Beale weakened the squad in the summer with poor recruitment. And I see Palma has scored again for Celtic this afternoon, a player Beale didn’t want(allegedly) & got Lammers instead. Whoever gets the job has a well nigh impossible task ahead
  16. He knocked back Ajax IIRC. The Norwegian league still has 2 months left so if he’s not available until then he might not be under consideration after all
  17. Ibrox Noise now saying Muscat out of contention. The list has shortened
  18. Seems 5 names under consideration. Clement, Muscat & probably Knutsen are 3. Dunno who other 2 are. I suspect Glasner might be one of them. Immediate availability may rule out Muscat if he’s staying in Japan til December
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