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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If Scotland fail to qualify Strachan will get replaced by Lambert. All very predictable because of who are running Scottish football nowadays
  2. Not sure about that. Most of them believe anything they're told.
  3. The way the SPL did everything they could to help hertz but did everything they could to punish us should never be forgotten by our supporters
  4. Interesting to note that Roberts, a winger, got 9 league goals last season whereas Jamie Walker got 12
  5. I see the DR have been putting out nonsensical stories again to cover for their East end business partners. They're saying that Guardiola pulled the plug on the yahoos signing Roberts on a £8m deal. He didn't. It was Roberts who didn't want to move on a permanent deal. Can't tell that one to the slabbering hordes though can we?
  6. My view is that Pedro believes he will need to have Scottish players around hence the likes of Dorrans & Jack being brought in. Up to a point I would tend to agree with that. but I do believe we'll need to get used to seeing a Rangers team over the next few season with few Scottish players in it
  7. No interest whatsoever in them. Couldn't care less
  8. Overall I'm a lot happier than I was this time last year when MW seemed to be signing players at random from all over the place. And the majority of them couldn't get into the starting XI. I still think we're a bit short of cover in certain areas such as CB but that must get sorted out in January.
  9. We should walk away from these talks. It's hertz who have most to lose
  10. Seems he's a loan signing for the season & his contract's up at end of season so if he impresses we'd presumably try & sign him.
  11. We don't need a reality check. It's just that wee silly Billy Leckie & others like Mutton are hurting because we won
  12. I still think we're short at CB. Alves might not play every game & Wilson isn't the replacement. I'd also like to see us get a LB & a left-sided MF player
  13. Another poor attempt at journalism from wee silly, Billy Leckie
  14. I didn't see the interview with Pedro after the game. However it didn't surprise me. After Herrerra scored the third the disappointment in the voices in the commentary was very noticeable for the remainder of the game. But this is where our MD who is called Stewart Robertson needs to start earning his money. He should contact BT Sport tomorrow and seeks answers from their hierarchy about this interview in which Sutton apparently used as a means to goad the Rangers manager rather than discuss the game which Rangers won 3-1. Robertson should also tell BT Sport that should there be a recurrence of this type of interview that Rangers will not be available for post-match interviews. Over to you Stewart...
  15. I think Pedro needs to sit down with Krankcjar and decide what's the best way forward for both parties. The football brain is still there but he simply doesn't look fit & up to speed to me.
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