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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Hypocrisy is the word you're looking for Craig. Accusing us of cheating the taxman with EBT's and they did the same with their bogus film deals. We both got caught out.
  2. At least by wanting a review of the 2011 Uefa licence we got they're admitting we're still the same club today. Mind you they've probably not got the intelligence to realise that
  3. So does everyone else. They are totally out of control now. All clubs ( including us) need to get together & demand action be taken. Suspend Liewell for starters and get shot off the yahoo compliance officer who is as corrupt as they come. Warn them that if their future conduct doesn't improve they'll face points deductions for bringing the game into disrepute
  4. Whilst I'm please we're getting experience playing against European sides maybe Benfica are a bit above the level we could expect to face in next summer's qualifiers. Why don't we play Espanyol? Their supporters all seem to follow Rangers.
  5. If it is the SFA need to act. This club & it's chief exec are now totally out of control
  6. Liewell's letter dated 25th July claims the EBT's were 'unlawful', This is utter lies. At no point were they called unlawful or tax evasion (which is illegal whereas avoidance isn't) by HMRC. Someone needs to challenge this statement from within our club. Liewell is totally out of control and seems to think he can do and say as he pleases in Scottish football. He needs to be brought to account for these statements and disciplined accordingly.
  7. The compliance officer has zero credibility if he doesn't
  8. Why? The SFA have no interest in any further punishments This is turning into a witch hunt at the SFA because title stripping failed to materialise. None of this will go away until the SFA grow a pair & take action against Liewell & his vile club. If they continue to make allegations and demands against a member club then action must be taken. Suspend Liewell for starters Part of me thinks Liewell is working his ticket to get out before the tsunami that is the child abuse scandal hits Scottish football with his club the most heavily involved by far. And the SFA will be unable to sit back & do nothing if more convictions result.
  9. Liewell will never admit it but HMRC winning the BTC was the result he didn't want. A Rangers victory would have meant he had a get-out Now the slabbering yahoo hordes are on the march & demanding all sorts of action taken after promises were made which could never be kept regardless. Rangers will not be punished further over EBT's because they weren't illegal. No crime was committed & no one was arrested. Now we're back to the 2011 UEFA licence wich I'm confident will fail too as I've mentioned earlier.
  10. If the yahoos are trying to get action taken against us now because of 2011 UEFA licence being granted despite the STB ,howcome all the Spanish clubs get licences every year to play in Europe despite the fact these clubs owe the Spanish tax authorities combined something like 2bn euros?
  11. if the wee tax case was 'on going discussions' at the time then what's this all about?
  12. One of the conditions of the sale from SDM to Whyte was that he had to pay the wee tax case.
  13. Both the SFA & SPFL will take no further action against Rangers & EBT's because they know they'd lose any court case which would cost them big style financially
  14. The SFA did us no favours but the SPL were much worse.
  15. Maybe Liewell will explain sporting integrity to PSG.....
  16. A statement from the club instead of the likes of C1872 would do for starters
  17. There will be no SFA enquiry & Liewell knows it. He's trying to shift the blame onto the SFA.
  18. I genuinely believe we're significantly improved this season compared to last season. Caixinha has recruited far better quality than MW did this time last year That said I do think we're rather short in numbers & alternatives in one or two areas. CB for one.
  19. La liga should start looking closer to home and tell us when all those Spanish clubs with outstanding tax debts intend to settle with the Spanish tax authorities.
  20. Because King never gave him his job back after he took over
  21. Poor Ally. It must hurt to be remembered as Rangers worst ever manager.
  22. Depends if you believe the accounts....
  23. We should only have 3 or 4 players max in our first team squad with no sell on value.
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