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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Doncaster should be toast. SR needs to show leadership him & force him out
  2. Someone within UEFA is protecting the yahoos. Got to be unless they get punished properly for this
  3. The board must turn the heat up on Doncaster.Go after him while he's there for the taking. Pushing for this review at the request of one club whilst not consulting the others should be his downfall.
  4. these people simply cannot accept they've lost this argument & are now clutching at straws
  5. Doncaster's position is untenable. Our board should now be doing everything they can to force him out. Trying to push for this review when it now transpires only club wanted it means he has to go. He is supposed to represent all clubs & hasn't bothered to consult them over this. He now looks little more than liewell's poodle Getting the scalp of one of liewell's trusted lieutenants would be a major coup.
  6. You can feel the yahoos pain. All Liewell's pals are deserting him now. Thompson, Petrie, Milne... the lot. They won't admit it but they've all come to realise that Scottish football needs a strong Rangers in its top flight for financial reasons alone. And trying to hand out further punishments despite legal advice to the contrary is complete madness. Even Regan's against him now.
  7. I'll say it again: the position of Compliance Officer at the SFA was created to look after the interests of one club. They don't even try to hide it now. The allegiances of the incumbent and his predecessor are there for all to see and it constantly shows in their judgements And what does our board think of this ? Do they think this is acceptable? Do they have an opinion on anything like this or do they just leave that to C1872?
  8. Aye I'm sure they do support Partick Thistle. Maybe the surnames will be a clue to who they really support
  9. It's up to us to ensure they don't get their way then isn't it? I wonder how many bears voted for the likes of Reid, McConnell, Wilson etc at elections. Utter stupidity if they did.
  10. Not sure they're best buddys any more. Liewell is trying to throw Regan under a bus.
  11. The child abuse investigation is different this time. Governments are involved
  12. They have to go after someone after all those promises about title-stripping. The yahoo hordes are restless. Regan knows title-stripping isn't happening. It's a non-starter. So Liewell is trying to shift the blame onto the SFA
  13. Don't think they'll get anyone more sympathetic to them than Liewell's old buddy from Coors, Regan
  14. When the English FA go after any clubs found guilty of cover-ups the SFA will have to do likewise
  15. The SFA are soon going to have to investigate Celtic for something much worse than EBT's as I'm sure we're all aware of.
  16. I don't read tabloid newspapers but Rangers now need to question the role of the SFA compliance officer who seems to be there to represent the interest of one club mostly
  17. It's not their problem. It's for the politicians & Plod Scotland to sort out. And the SFA too.
  18. You can't blame BT Sport for this. No one wants to hear the yahoos and their IRA songs during a live broadcast. However when are the useless Scottish politicians going to do something about this vile club & it's vile support? How much longer are they going to bury their heads in the sand and pretend no problem exists ? And when are Plod Scotland going to act and apply the law properly against this vile club and its support.?
  19. The role of the compliance officer seems to be for the interests of one club only - the yahoos.
  20. The yahoos game is different altogether. We will need tactics and a gameplan because they're a far better side than anything we'll face in he SPFL this season.
  21. We beat Dundee 4-1 today. I can't believe some of the negativity on here. The only disappointment for me was needlessly conceding that goal at the end. We are a vast improvement from this time last season. My biggest concern however is we're short in numbers in a few positions. CB for one
  22. I'd be more interested in their dealings with the co-op bank & the ultra-soft, uneconomical loans & generous overdraft facilities they got presumably arranged by SLAB politicians at the time. EBT's were available for everyone. The benevolence of the co-op bank at that time wasn't. But their current dealings with the co-op bank will interesting as it's now owned by hedge funds I believe.
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