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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The SPFL is just the company that runs the professional football leagues in Scotland.


    The SFA is the highest governing football authority in Scotland. Since when did the SPFL have the authority to call for this review which we all know was just another attempt by the usual suspects to try & put the boot into Rangers?


    The SPFL should try to do the job it is supposed to do. For starters try getting a better TV deal than the derisory one Doncaster & Liewell got back in 2012

  2. The formation is only partially important though. It doesn't really matter how many they have in their midfield, it's about what those midfielders do when they are in possession. If one of them sits deeper (which is usually the case), then the central attacking mid can drop down and give us that cover. If one of them goes wider, one of our wider attacking mids can cover. For me the big difference I want to see is how quickly (and well) our midfielders (in particular) transition from having the ball to not having it, and vice versa. Pena made this change brilliantly and he will be a loss to us if not started. However, he will have to work harder to find that space to run at their goal so it'll be a real test if he does play. I'd expect us to be spending more time closing down space than creating it though, so perhaps that's why KM is preferred. There's no doubt he's better at that role, but he then leaves a lot to be desired when attacking. Decisions, decisions.


    Surely not someone else advocating playing Miller in MF on Saturday?

  3. But who would you play with Jack and Dorrans. Only Miller and Pena are available - both attacking midfielders??


    LOL are you serious ? Miller a midfielder ?? He'a very mediocre striker at best.


    He constantly gives the ball away when he tries to play in MF

  4. Yeah ... and what exactly would hinder Morelos from attacking when being slightly to the left side of our attack and moving freely about ... AS WELL AS having more physical and attacking presence as Windass? It's not like he'd be carrying 25 kilos more on him and is ordered to stay out of the penalty area ...


    Nope, a nice packed midfield with quite an attacking threat and some good cover.




    Tavernier - Cardoso - Alves - John


    Jack - Dorrans


    Candeias - Miller - Morelos




    They will play 3 in MF. Jacks & Dorrans would get overrun in that formation.

    And why play Dorrans defensive MF ?

  5. John is out of contract next summer and if he makes an impression, we might get him on a free.


    As for Morelos ... I'd chuck him to the left of an attacking three, with Miller in the middle, Candeias on the right and Herrera up front on his own.


    do that & we'll get hammered. We'll be short in numbers in MF.

  6. We need to see the major issue here. The Rangers board made a howler by allowing MW to sign all that dross one year ago although he did inherit the fallout from the failed Project McCoist.


    They've now brought in Caixinha who at least seems to be recruiting better calibre players.Most seem to be internationalists.


    But as I've said earlier it won't be solved in one transfer window. Hence why I think Pedro is longterm.


    Don't get me wrong I think Pedro has his faults. Persisting with Miller for starters. and we're still very short in numbers for some positions I think.

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