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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Aye okay. He doesn't care where we are in the table?




    I live in Edinburgh and the Hibs fans will be laughing at us on Monday. I doubt he'll have to put up with that in Berlin.


    When we finish above Hubz at the end of the season they won't be laughing

  2. Our realistic target is second and a cup. Sorry if that is defeatist in your eyes but it's absolute reality. The league doesn't finish at 7 games. Who would you replace him with?


    Pedro should be judged at the end of the season.

  3. Are Patrick in the semi of the league cup. Wonder who beat them? You seriously believe Warburton left us in good shape?


    His signings in the summer of last year were catastrophic. They are/were a large part of our present problems and I blame the Rangers board for allowing him to make those signings

  4. There are signs of improvement but it's football - results haven't been good enough. We are Rangers and we're not winning enough matches.


    I think we should judge Pedro at the end of the season. It's too early just now in my opinion

  5. We have better players. But our performances are no better.


    Things need to improve soon.


    We do have better players but it'll take time to gel.


    This has been the third summer in a row we've brought in about a dozen players. You cannot keep doing that & hope to build a settled side.


    We have to hope Pedro's summer signings are more successful than MW's last year which will give us something to build on. And he can then add to them in January & next summer.

  6. We were at a different level when Warburton came in and he bought specifically to get us promotion. Is Pena any better than Halliday? Is Herrera better than Waghorn? Is Dalcio better than Forrester? His defenders look better on paper but they have yet to prove themselves. Warburton shouldn't be the judging factor though.


    As I said earlier I think the Mexicans have still to prove themselves but there are now one or two signs that's happening now. Both have now got a couple of goals for example.


    And I can't believe you don't know why Halliday got put out on loan

  7. After MW went no one was going to come in & turn things around overnight. We need to realise that.


    Strangely enough I think Pedro on taking over from MW finds himself in a similar situation to Klopp when he took over from Brenda at Liverpool I.e. Inheriting a whole load of dross from the previous manager he couldn't get rid off immediately.


    Don't get me wrong there are still parts of the team needing urgent attention such as the entire LH side which totally lacks quality and is mostly unproductive going forward. That needs sorted out as well as others

  8. I just hope the 4 are not Pedro signings. He needs to sign 9 to get 4 half decent ones


    Don't you think his signings have been better than MW's?


    But his stiffest test is yet to come which getting more players in to challenge for the title.

  9. Caixinha has improved us since last season. His challenge now is to improve us further to get us competing with the yahoos for the title.


    That will mean recruiting well in the next two transfer windows. The main players he's brought in so far have generally done ok with only the two Mexicans still to show their real worth.


    I think we were being over-optimistic maybe expecting to be going for the title this season following MW's recruitment shambles just over a year ago

  10. He made like he was blowing his nose on it - went right out of his way to do so and it was clearly an attempt to incite agro.


    Broon did his fair share of crowd goading late in the second half too. Classless.


    There's an easy way to stop this. Beat them.

  11. Our biggest challenge today will be to nullify their wide players whom they rely on heavily.


    And to ensure we don't get outnumbered in MF.


    I watched them play Partick a few weeks ago & that's what Archibald did against them & it nearly worked

  12. Depends what we are talking here. Theres 5 to 6 teams wont touch him every other on will. Klopp has done worse than him at liverpool and he has a fantastic reputation.


    Rodgers is no guardiola but hes done really well in almost every job hes had. At very least in the short term.


    Klopp's had nowhere the amount of money Brenda had to spend though

  13. These injuries make parking the bus a much more attractive option, strength in numbers and all that. We will still get some chances on the break and at set pieces, we just need everything to fall our way, which we are certainly due to happen for us for a change.


    We should play 5 across the MF with 1up front likeMurty did at the San Giro

  14. I don't mind Miller playing on the left instead of Windass. Miller is good at coming in at the back post and he won't hide like Windass


    He'll just constantly give the ball away if he plays there or anywhere in MF

  15. You might if you recoup 350


    He never recouped £350m


    He spent over £300m & brought in £200m in sales which included their best players like Suarez and Sterling making up about £120m of that

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