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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yeah, but there's dropping him from the side for poor form and there's making him train with the under 20s. They send very different messages.


    Something tells me that Miller would not have reacted well to being dropped for poor form. As I said earlier he seems to think he has some special status within Rangers. Like McCulloch did.

  2. This one has been running for over a week if the mank forums are to be believed. It was alleged that Miller was openly critical of Pedros training regime, staff handling and team tactics.

    I preferred to believe it was shyt stirring. Apparently I was wrong.


    Miller would have been better concentrating on his own game. His performances have been woeful this season.

  3. Rangers' run of games to make or break Pedro Caixinha.


    September 27, 2017


    By Bill Brown | Guest Contributor


    There’s no getting away from it – the start to the season under Pedro Caixinha at Rangers has been far from ideal. But talk of ditching the Portuguese coach this early is premature.




    A good article most of which I'd agree with

  4. I think Pedro will be given to the end of the season & I'm confident we'll get second place in the league providing he:-


    1) dropsKenny Miller

    2) plays 2 up front in a 3-5-2 formation so as we can score more goals

    3) sorts out the poor quality down the left side of the team. Ditch Windass & replace Lee Wallace too as he's surviving on past reputation.


    At long last we are starting to have players in the team with real resale value. That is encouraging. You couldn't say that about Warburton's EFL1 side we had this time last year

  5. It would have meant buying Scottish players who know the League, likes of Moult etc. yes we would have probably finished 2nd or 3rd.


    At the moment we are going to finish 2nd or 3rd anyway, with players from Mexico and Portugal who don't seem to be coping very well, and that's the ones that are fit.


    I didn't fancy McInnes or Wright but it might have been safer for 2/3 years.


    we won't win the league with SPL players. That's why we went for Pedro

  6. what if we get to the LC final? will that at least buy Pedro time until the end of the season?


    I don't think it's feasible to challenge for the title until we get a settled side playing in a suited formation (I'd prefer 3-5-2)


    We cannot keep bringing in a dozen or so new players at the start of each season & expect things to click immediately which we've done for the past three seasons now

  7. What the latest on the DJ injury? Anyone know?


    Above post is spot on IMO regards how poor we are down the left.


    Whilst Tav might not be everyone's cup of tea both he & Candeais at least manage to get deliveries into the box on the other side

  8. Is it wort even telling you warburton had us 2nd for 8 or 9 out of 24 rounds where he was in charge?


    We were 3rd when he left and 7th at this stage. It took him to round 18 to get back to second.


    We have more points than this time last year. More goals for less conceded are higher up the table.


    Im not sure theres a measure we havent improved on. Well not a tangible one.


    The issue is though we need to improve even further if we're to challenge for the title. That will mean signing players to do that which will mean more financial outlay.

  9. He looks as if he wants to stroll through games,which is not a bad thing,but IMO is playing to the crowd,and is not a team player,again I will will re-reiterate it is my opinion in answer to your question.I have no doubt that he is a good player but has come to the wrong league.

    Also a player with a high reputation can unsettle others who may look up to him.In this instance it has been noticed that Cardoso has performed better when Alves was off the pitch.


    We are still conceding too many goals. In that respect his signing hasn't been successful

  10. What is also utterly beyond belief that the media, while picking on it, essentially don't critize the Racist for his antics ...






    If the ref and the SFA allows this to go on, they invite large scale trouble, as this idiot is provoking our support to no end ... based on that feeling of being untouchable by anyone. Which is bred from seasons of any sort of administrative pressure on them. They feel they can do anything they want - on and off the park - without repercussions.


    Up until someone snaps and takes justice in his own hands. And rest assured, the victim card will come out instantly.


    Thank heavens we don't have to play this Scum anytime soon again.


    Wonder if the Compliance Officer will do anything? I think we know the answer

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