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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Wouldn't be surprised. Would we get Lee McCulloch as his assistant maybe ?
  2. Something tells me that Miller would not have reacted well to being dropped for poor form. As I said earlier he seems to think he has some special status within Rangers. Like McCulloch did.
  3. Miller would have been better concentrating on his own game. His performances have been woeful this season.
  4. Dropping Miller has been long overdue regardless of the reason. His performances have been deadful at times. I was beginning to think he had special status within Rangers meaning he had to get selected
  5. They never backed PLG. They would have transfer-listed wee Barry & his gang if they did.
  6. Only this time I think the board will back the manager.....
  7. The Rangers board must not allow another PLG scenario to develop
  8. on his form alone this season Kenny Miller should be nowhere the first team let alone vice-captain or whatever it's called
  9. The harsh reality is we don't yet have a squad capable of challenging the yahoos for the title. Once we do these things will sort themselves out.
  10. I think Pedro will be given to the end of the season & I'm confident we'll get second place in the league providing he:- 1) dropsKenny Miller 2) plays 2 up front in a 3-5-2 formation so as we can score more goals 3) sorts out the poor quality down the left side of the team. Ditch Windass & replace Lee Wallace too as he's surviving on past reputation. At long last we are starting to have players in the team with real resale value. That is encouraging. You couldn't say that about Warburton's EFL1 side we had this time last year
  11. we won't win the league with SPL players. That's why we went for Pedro
  12. what does that mean ? finishing 2nd or 3rd in the league ? we did that last season.
  13. we took a gamble with Pedro as it was perceived he could get us better quality players at affordable prices.
  14. If Sinclair's was a penalty so was Morelos' on saturday
  15. what if we get to the LC final? will that at least buy Pedro time until the end of the season? I don't think it's feasible to challenge for the title until we get a settled side playing in a suited formation (I'd prefer 3-5-2) We cannot keep bringing in a dozen or so new players at the start of each season & expect things to click immediately which we've done for the past three seasons now
  16. Maybe worth noting too that both Pena & Herrera have managed to get a couple of goals each so far. Might not be too bad a return considering how little game time they've had
  17. What the latest on the DJ injury? Anyone know? Above post is spot on IMO regards how poor we are down the left. Whilst Tav might not be everyone's cup of tea both he & Candeais at least manage to get deliveries into the box on the other side
  18. Am I the only one who thinks we should play two up front ? ( and Miller wouldn't be one of them) It would probably mean going to a 3-5-2 formation.
  19. The issue is though we need to improve even further if we're to challenge for the title. That will mean signing players to do that which will mean more financial outlay.
  20. We are still conceding too many goals. In that respect his signing hasn't been successful
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