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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I don't think they'll forfeit titles but action will need to be taken if they've attempted any sort of cover up.
  2. So the governing body of Scottish football will simply turn a blind eye to serious criminal activities over 4 decades within one of its member clubs ?? I don't think so. Governments are now involved. They will have to investigate as to whether this club(and other clubs implicated in this too) attempted any sort of cover-up and if it did whether they gained any sort of 'sporting advantage' which they would not otherwise have got had they reported those involved as they should have done at the time. Making 'Sevco films' is pathetic & will not distract from the forthcoming more serious issues.
  3. Great way to try & create a distraction from the biggest scandal about to hit Scottish football which is whether one of its biggest clubs knowingly harboured paedophiles in its youth set up over 4 separate decades. We await the forthcoming trials of Torbet, McCafferty etc, with interest. And whether the SFA will once again try & shirk its responsibilities
  4. What about John Fleming who replaced Hugh Dallas as refs supervisor. What do we know about him?
  5. Is that correct that the old witch only has an HNC but is a senior lecturer?
  6. For first two seasons only. After that he was past his best & was a liability
  7. This and the Hugh Dallas sacking showed who was/is running Scottish football which remains a toxic brand No right-minded CEO would want their company associated with it other than betting companies
  8. And the fact they didn't thinkthey'd get planning permission to redevelop CP. However their fears never materialised. Good old GCC saw to that.
  9. DJ should stroll the SPFL though. He'd be even better if he'd someone better than Windass in front him
  10. Those 2 goals last night means DJ has now got as many league goals as Tierney. Can we afford him ??
  11. My big concern is if he continues this form he'll attract interest from elsewhere
  12. Presumably this is why the old Celtic board thought CP couldn't be re-developed.
  13. When would we be able to sign DJ ? January ? I think Mr Wallace may have a bit of problem regaining his place once fit.
  14. Really ? As I say we're not the finished article yet. This is the third season running we've had to recruit about a dozen or so players at the start of the season. That can't continue. We need to start to get a settled side upon which we recruit each season 3 or 4 players max who improve the squad. Mostclubsdo that. But what encourages me this season (unlike last season) is that the players we got in the summer actually playing in the starting XI.Of course there are areas such as left MF where we need to improve but this won't be done in one transfer window. And we've got someone up front who looks as if he can score goals. Yes we're still conceding too many but hopefully that will improve as we progress. At what stage did you expect us to be at just now? I think you have to factor in the utter shambles McCoist left behind & the fact MW wasn't what he was made out tobe.
  15. We are by no means the finished article but I'm convinced we're now heading in the right direction.
  16. All in all a good evening with a 4-1 away from home. I'm sure Kenny Miller's pleased too.
  17. Excellent comeback. DJ looks a class above everyone else on the pitch.
  18. Pedro should have binned Miller sooner because of his performances
  19. Celtic are nothing more than a legitimate money-making operation for Desmond. Him and all those other preferential shareholders they've got
  20. The only way Caixinha will leave is if results become extremely bad between now & the end of the year. Don't you think he had the board's support when he was putting all those players either out on loan or getting rid off them ? Someone had to come in & get rid off all the EFL1 dross Warburton was allowed to bring in along with others like Miller who's been here too long now. This was never going to be solved in one transfer window
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