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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I doubt it hes made a fortune out of them.


    I mean on his buying and selling price he'd lose quite a bit.


    He supposedly bought for £135m and they had debts around the same which he inherited. He pumped in more money when they were in the Championship twice.


    Ashley's record is dreadful in football.

  2. Hilarious because they thought the OBFA wouldn't affect them.


    Even funnier when you read Liewell's quotes at the time supporting its introduction. Now he's changed his tune.


    They are a truly vile club with a truly vile support who wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else

  3. It's a deliberate dig at Rangers.


    However both the SPFL and UEFA recognise Rangers today as having being formed in 1872 and having won 54 titles. It is on their websites & their opinions are all that matters.


    Maybe whoever wrote the article doesn't know how to access the Internet. Or doesn't know how to. Wouldn't surprise me

  4. I understand what you're saying Colin. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment. But all we'll get told is; all those concerned in the cover-up are no longer associated with the club. Title-stripping is the only option and that is simply not going to happen as no footballing advantage was gained.

    There will be much tut-tutting and the matter will get dropped.


    Title stripping is not the only option should they be found guilty of a cover-up following any SFA investigation. There are other options such as fines& sanctions.


    And I'd suggest they most certainly did give themselves a 'sporting advantage' if proven they deliberately covered up the abuse by avoiding any punishments which may have been taken at the time

  5. Would love to see Rangers players form the nucleus but your argument has no logic; if the best team was, say, Hearts, then they should form the nucleus of the national side. Just unfortunate it happens to be THEM.


    And THEIR Scottish players are no world beaters as we've seen in recent internationals.


    Why? Because they play in a weak league which became virtually meaningless in 2012. Only 1 club benefited when we got put in SFL3. The rest toed the Liewell line & adopted Sporting Integrity which meant drastic budget cuts leading to a poorer standard throughout


    And the standard has plummeted as we can all surely see since we got back into the top division just over a year ago. At present it doesn't matter which club is best the league is crap and that won't help the national side unless there's sufficient players playing elsewhere in better leagues which there isn't.


    Things have got to the stage for Scotland that Mulgrew from EFL1 is getting a game. And players from the English Championship I've never heard of get selected because the SPFL premiership is so poor


    Chickens are coming home to roost for the Scottish national team because of 2012 & sporting integrity. But don't expect the clowns called the tartan army to realise why

  6. That's ten tournaments (5 WC & 5 Euro) Scotland have now failed to qualify for.


    Until there is change at the SFA that record will continue. Those currently in charge have no interest in the national team.


    Pity those who call themselves the tartan army cannot see this.

  7. As part of the UK child abuse in football investigation I think that if any English Clubs are found to have tried to cover up anything the English FA will not hesitate to take action against them.


    I'd like to think the SFA will do likewise to Scottish clubs.

  8. How can you prove it that they gained a sporting advantage?


    If a paedophile ring was operating within the club & they covered it up in order to prevent action being taken against the club then that is very serious indeed.


    That action could have been in the form of the club being suspended or demoted or various other sanctions.


    If Torbet, McCafferty etc are convicted then I believe the SFA would, as the governing body of Scottishfootball, need to investigate the club involved to determine whether it gained any sporting advantage were there a cover up.

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