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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This is true, they believe this was happening for years when we were dominating!


    Of course they did. But the creation of the position of Compliance Officer has taken things to a whole new level.


    Will we ever see someone who isn't a yahoo as Compliance Officer?


    And why does this position get offered to someone with no footballing background when it concerns incidents in games missed or wrongly judged by the referee? This needs to be challenged by Rangers. Vigorously.

  2. Is anyone seriously surprised by this ?


    Since the Compliance Officer position was created at the SFA it has been filled by a yahoo looking after the interests of the yahoos first & foremost and to penalise us at every opportunity. And they don't hide this anymore. It is blatant bias.


    The Rangers statement is fine and well but needs to address the position of Compliance Officer & who is occupying the role.

  3. he should be resigning because he can't win 3 games in a row in this backwater after being allowed to spend millions


    He spent millions because he had to replace all those duds MW brought in last summer. And spending millions doesn't guarantee anything.


    FWIW I think we need to be patient & allow a team to get built over the course of the next year or so. It won't happen in one transfer window


    As I've said on here before we cannot keep recruiting a dozen or so players every summer as we've done for the past three summers.


    We need to get a settled side and we do now have some players who are good enough for us although not as many as we need.

  4. We've had some humiliating results during PC's term. Some of the worst in our club's entire history.


    The only 'big game' he's won was at Pittodrie. I don't expect us to win every match but I do expect us to beat a team from Luxemburg, beat Motherwell, beat Hibs at home and give Celtc a tough game. We have achieved none of these.


    The worst results we've had came in SFL3, getting beat by Annan & Peterhead at home and losing to Stirling Albion away whilst their manager was absent because he was getting married.


    McCoist didn't see fit to resign then. Why should Caixinha resign after losing a LC semi ?

  5. Do we give the next manager one window and if he doesn't set the heather on fire before the following window bin him and so and so on and so on........?


    Too many conveniently forget he inherited MW's EFL1 & EFL2 duds & McCoist's SPL journeymen. They can't all be replaced in one transfer window

  6. Someone within Rangers, not Alves, needs to take yesterday's refereeing performance to task.


    Seek a meeting with the SFA for an explanation as to why teams are being allowed to get away unpunished with blatant thuggery against us. Are referees being told to be lenient against us? If so why?


    We've seen this in the games against Hibz, Ross County & yesterday against Motherwell so far this season. It cannot go on.

  7. Poor refereeing was a factor but poor finishing let us down today. As other have said there's only so many times we can say things in Pedro's defence.......


    He's only had one transfer window.


    MW got 4 and I think Pedro has a better side already even after today's result.


    However we are still woefully short in 2 or 3 positions. Left MF for one.

  8. The referee did us no favours but we still had enough chances to win this and didn't take them. At the end of the day given a choice I would rather lose this than drop points in a league match.


    Windass could have had a hat-trick.


    Nothing against him but he's an EFL2 player. Left MF needs sorting out in January. Get someone in on loan if need be.


    When you compare us with the yahoos who have got Sinclair in that position you 'll see what I mean

  9. Another thing we need to consider is that we've got players from countries where they get better protection from their referees.


    What we saw today from MacLean was nothing short of disgraceful.He totally lost the game early on & let too many incidents go unpunished.

  10. We lost because we didnt take our chances.


    But we need to tackle the refereeing as well or we will have no fit players soon enough.


    Nearly every game v us someone is sent off or should be. Depending how honest the ref is.


    Motherwell could have had 4 sent off today.


    Bowman & Hartley were definites and Kipre & Moult could have walked too as could Alves

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