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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The team selection is too ambitious for what is a difficult European away tie. we’re getting  overrun in MF. I’d put Ryan Jack in alongside Raskin & Lundstrum and take off Lammers or Cantwell who aren’t contributing anything. We’re lucky not to be 3 or 4 goals behind. Something needs done at HT

  2. 1 hour ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    I'm not fussed on Europe and would prefer domestic success at this stage. A metric for success for tonight's game for me is just some signs of improvement.

    Europe brings us in much needed revenue which we can’t get domestically 

    Like it or not European football is imperative 

  3. Davie mackinnon was only at  Rangers 1982-86 IIRC. John Greig signed him but after he left in 1983 Jock Wallace returned.

    After Souness took over in 1986 MacKinnon was released.

    His time at Rangers was one of the least successful periods in the history of Rangers. Be an interesting read & I wonder if he’ll shed any light on anything that went on during his time at Rangers

  4. Easily our best league performance of the season. We seemed up for it from kick off & deservedly went in 2-0 in front at HT with a team selection which set out to attack particularly in wide areas. At the end I thought 4-0 flattered Hibs. 
    It’s early days, but I saw a lot of good signs from today’s game. Amazing what a change of manager can sometimes do. Let’s hope it’s sustainable 

  5. 11 hours ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    The only tangible thing that I feel we might see tomorrow is a change in tempo. Its too early to see a massive change but our slow, aimless and ponderous tempo must change.

    Increase in tempo & hopefully a bit more movement up front. Forwards need to start making runs & making themselves available  & not waiting for the ball to drop at their feet in front of the goal 

  6. FA’s effectively borrow club players for their international teams. And the clubs & players have little choice but to comply.

    Clubs are the players employers.

    Where else would you find a situation where an employer would be told they had to hand over their employees to a third party for something and have little or no say in the matter?

    Same goes for other sports too I suppose

  7. The most important things for the board is to get someone who really wants the job, has the right background and experience & has convinced them that they have an immediate plan to try & improve performances and results from the squad they’d inherit.

    I must admit now leaning towards Muscat and either Craig Moore or Neil McCann as DoF is we’re bringing back that role. 

  8. Im no great lover of the Scotland team and it’s support but I thought they were hard done by getting that goal chopped off last night 

    Once again VAR the culprit. It was brought in to reduce wrong decisions but seems more and more to be creating wrong decisions 

  9. 54 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    A few points to add to the fray of discussion.


    Sellik raised serious monies with their fourth share issue. It was this one that attracted the Dermot Desmond types. The fourth issue was a preferential share issue, I believe they continue to pay an annual dividend to this day? The last occasion I saw these shares mentioned in the media was MON's parting gift being a tranche of preferential shares.


    Wullie Haughey made a killing out of the M74 extension. When Scottish Labour announced the intension to link the motorway from Calderpark to the M8 at Kingston, the party's biggest donor in Scotland, Wullie Haughey had already bought up large tracks of land on the proposed route. He paid somewhere around £600,000 and received in excess of £11 million in compulsory purchase compensation.


    The Dalmarnock streets immediately south of London Road ie Kinnear Road, Buddon Street, Patna Street, Gailes Street, Troon Street, ........ etc were also condemned and demolished 24 years past. The District Council deliberately depopulated the area both north and south of the arterial road thus, the listed London Road Primary School was no longer needed. It was closed 20 years ago and Sellik successfully applied to the Planning Committee to demolish the Edwardian listed building and build a staff car park. Literally, it is, 'the Sellik Way'.


    Reference the land, there was a railway line running parallel with the then Sellik car park adjacent to Kerrydale Street. A bridge spanned London Road carrying the line. The pylon line ran parallel with the railway line, there was a pylon in the middle of the car park, allowing the line to dog leg into Barrowfield. I imagine British Rail would have owned that strip of land and bridge? The bridge was demolished, the pylon line re-routed and, the land containinh north of London Road is contained within the Celtic Park footprint.

    Was their fourth share issue not in 2005 which raised £15m to build lennoxtown?

  10. 2 hours ago, CammyF said:

    I remember the figure of £40M being banded about at the time and it always seemed a very low figure (the club deck cost us circa £20M in the early 90s. I know its not compering like for like, but it gives you a comparison.

    IIRC the two end stands were built by the now defunct Barr Construction & the North Stand overhanging the cemetery by Miller. Yes I’d heard that £40m figure too which was a lot of money for a club which had not long survived bankruptcy 
    All sorts of rumours at the time of using cheapest materials, cutting corners, safety breaches etc. Crucially no one really seemed willing to question how it got planning permission especially after the old Celtic board said it couldn’t be redeveloped & were looking at alternative sites.

    Ultimately though it gave them a stadium with a 60k capacity but with a life expectancy of how long? And it gave them a stadium with a 10k greater capacity than ibrox or hampden. Then the bunnet began parroting phrases used by the Rangers board in the 1970’s about not needing hampden which had also got redeveloped but with national lottery funding, something  which would come into play years later in 2020 when Mr Haughey would emerge as a hampden supporter as the SFA threatened  to move games away from hampden. But to where? A rugby stadium in Edinburgh? Why not 60k Celtic Park? Maybe we’ll find this out soon enough.

    Their bigger stadium had the potential to get them more revenue through the gates than ours so our Mr Murray starting looking at other sources of revenue & whatever else that would unfortunately ultimately lead us to 2012.

    I still do believe alarm bells must have been going off in the Rangers boardroom about where Celtic’s funding was coming from back then.


  11. 38 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    A couple of years before Fergus McCann showed any interest in purchasing Sellik, the then Glasgow District Council increased Sellik's land bank significantly for the sum of one penny. 


    Glasgow District Council in 1990/91 had 102 wards, 90 of the Councillors were Labour Party representatives. The other dozen were a mixture of Nationalists, Liberals and, Tories. The GDC Planning Committee had 13 members, 11 Labour, one SNP and, one Tory. The Housing Committee had already taken the decision to NOT renovate the council owned housing in three streets immediately surrounding Sellik Park and condemned the houses. Those streets were Janefield Street, Kinloch Street and, Dalriada Street; approximately 250 families occupied the housing concerned. 


    The Council agreed resettlement grants should be paid to the families, average payment between £4,000-£5,000. The Council would meet the costs of demolition and land clearance, the cost to the public purse was estimated at £2.5 million. The Planning Committee agreed the ground should be sold to the sole applicant, Sellik. The vote was 11-2. Both the SNP and Tory Councillors issued a statement stating several of the Councillors were Sellik supporters and, compared the sale to ICI acquiring ground for a peppercorn rate when the majority taking the decision were ICI share holders.


    It took a few months but, the GDC Convenor, Pat Lally was forced into calling a full Council meeting to ratify the sale of three streets for a penny. A full day's debate ensued and a vote was called after the Labour Party installed a three line whip. The sale was approved by a majority of 70. 


    Let that sink in.




    After the bunnet got the club they then got planning permission to redevelop the Stade de Gadde which the old Celtic board said they wouldn’t get. Funded from where/ by whom?

    They were upping the stakes and we had to do likewise. It led us to 2012

  12. 11 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    You're obviously correct about BoS. 


    Celtic redeveloped Celtic park around the tail end of NIAR but I think it was really in 2000 that the main loans from the Co-op started...although my recollection on Celtic finances may be flawed and you may be correct.


    Even so, the mass spending by Murray from 1999-2004 was to get success domestically and in Europe and wasn't in reaction to Celtic as such, although that's purely my opinion.





    Celtic Park got redeveloped mid 90’s. It was completed and used for the 1998 SC final which we lost to hearts. How much did it cost & who funded it? £40m was quoted which sounds ultra cheap to me. And they never raised any like that in share issues IIRC.

    The mass spending you mentioned was only in the advocaat era until McLeish took over late 2001. McLeish spent much less

  13. 12 minutes ago, compo said:

    They were skint 

    Of course they were skint. I always remember around 1999 Alan McDonald their chief exec resigned & he slaughtered McCann for leaving them short of cash. Where did all the funding come from for the stadium & giving O’Neil 5 years transfer money up front?

  14. 46 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    I did realise that but just threw in the relatively meaningless bit of info on the land. I'm not sure that the Co-op bank was that significant as such. We got similar backing from RBS.


    The GCC point though is extremely relevant. They have been fully supported by them and got the whole area refurbished whereas Murray's plans to buy the Hinshelwood Estate were blocked and they then made sure that they built housing so that we were unable to do anything in that area for another generation, including extra high housing to try and block the view of the stadium from the motorway. All clearly deliberately planned.


    Where I would take issue with you was on Murray's realisation. It took him a long time to fully realise the political reality that there were many politicians actively working against us. He didn't seem to court the politicians in the way that someone of his standing should have. It was the fans who reached out to the likes of Ian Davidson at the time. He just didn't seem to get the outright hatred there was for us.


    Maybe he saved up his political influence for parts of his business that made money but I was always under the impression that he never made any effort for us on that front.

    I always thought it was the BoS were Rangers bankers under Murray?

    Anyway my point is ‘they’ were up to all sorts around 2000 which led Rangers(Murray) into taking rash decisions which ultimately led to 2012.

    As you rightly say GCC were undoubtedly helping them & we were mostly oblivious or uninterested. The stadium was the best example. Their old board clearly said it couldn’t be redeveloped. Along came the bunnett & GCC granted permission. And where did the funding come from? Ultra soft coop banned loans? Don’t think their 3 share issues got them that much.

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