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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. It must be the best possible candidate regardless of his background. We need someone with a proven track record at a higher level than in the SPFL
  2. Who will select the new manager & on what criteria will he be selected?
  3. English is spot on with that statement
  4. I suspect we may well end up with another foreign manager but with a Scottish Assistant this time. I think bringing his Portuguese backroom staff wasn't the best idea Pedro had
  5. maybe he's ex-club captain now. who knows?
  6. They're no longer needed & all three should be encouraged to leave. Harsh but true.
  7. at long last someone talking sense. Obviously saw what I saw sitting the SJ rear stand. Broadfoot is a cheat & must be dealt with by the CO
  8. before sacking any manager a club should always have a replacement lined up
  9. If McCall had got the job after Ally we'd still be in the championship just now
  10. Anyone stamps on me 3 or 4 times & I'd react. Like Jack did
  11. Broadfoot the cheat. Let's hope the CO does his job & hands him a lengthy ban
  12. Because he was awful . Just two goals to his name this season. Garbage
  13. The penalty got awarded. The referee failed to deal with the Kilmarnock players reaction & provocation thereafter.
  14. Rangers are 1-0 up with a minute to go and get a penalty. Broadfoot doesn't like it & provokes Jack. Then he falls to the floor. Broadfoot is a cheat. Even Lego muncher wouldn't stoop this low
  15. KIllie had come right into the game at the end. Broadfoot then gives away a penalty. So he takes out his frustration by provoking Jack. The guillible referee & his assistants fall for it. And BTW what was the delay for in taking the spot kick ? At one point we had a number off Kilmarnock players in their penalty box. What was all that about. The referee failed to deal with the Kimarnock players reaction to the penalty
  16. Anyway I'm sure the Compliance Officer will sort this out. We'll appeal Jack's red card & all will be fine
  17. Provocation. Then he falls to the floor. Broadfoot is a cheat. Jack never touched him.
  18. Broadfoot provoked Jack by stamping on him. Jack pushed him & Broadfoot fell to the floor as if he'd been decked by Anthony Joshua. Broadfoot is a cheat who got a man sent off
  19. Apparently Broadfoot stamping or attempting to stamp on Jack is Ok. Conveniently missed by the referee & his assistants.
  20. Or get a man sent off by an incompetent referee
  21. And should continue to do so. We need better quality than SPL players
  22. Moult & Alves were either both guilty or not guilty. Only Alves gets charged. Why? Moult's booking was unrelated to the Alves incident
  23. The whole thing is a farce because both players(Alves & Moult) were guilty at the incident. One is getting punished while the other isn't. Moult got booked for an incident involving Herrera at the same time which had nothing to do with Alves. The Compliance Officer has screwed up big time here. Let's unleash the dogs of war and get him...
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