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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If Murrayfield isn't used, and I don't think for one second the lease on Hampden will get renewed, it will be a licence for the manks to print money. There may be the odd minor match played around Scotland but all finals and all the important national games will be played at the Paedodome.


    The paedodome might not be able to get used.

    The yahoos move to Hampden & the SFA use murrayfield

  2. I'd love Michel Preud'homme. He has an excellent CV and the Belgian market must be littered with talent. McInnes would be an ok appointment at a time when we really need to appoint someone who is excellent.


    How about Preud'Homme with a Scottish assistant?

  3. There are rumours coming out of Auchenowie of a " blow your mind " announcement possibly as early as next monday or Tuesday , if the guy involved can tie up loose ends , no other info getting leaked , in fact the guy who did start this must be regretting opening his mouth .


    Can't really see it myself but thought I'd post I case anyone else is hearing similar .


    What's this about ? The manager's appointment?

  4. Is it a good idea to compromise our choice of manager because we’re concerned about Aberdeen’s finances? Anyway, it’s clear the decision is already made - if McInnes wants it, the job is his. Compensation won’t stand in the way


    Whoever replaces McInnes will have a nice little transfer kitty waiting for them once he takes up the post thanks to the compensation we'll have paid for McInnes.


    I don't want that. McInnes is no Guardiola. Look elsewhere. I'd want a foreign manager with a Scottish assistant

  5. Absolutely this. It was obvious to anyone with a modicum of sense that Pedro was clueless after our European debacle and we've wasted months with nothing but regression. If a manager is clearly failing then get rid of him. Foreign teams have no problem doing it and we should be no different. We've had various woeful managers in recent times who lasted far, far longer than they should have. We've actually been much quicker than usual with Pedro.


    In Pedro's defence he did inherit an absolute car crash from both McCoist & MW. Bringing in an entirely new starting XI was always going to have its pitfalls


    However question marks remain about some of his summer signings. Maybe the new boss will get the best out of the likes of both Pena and Herrera. Who knows?

  6. It's an interesting point you make. Wilton was steeped in the club performing many roles before becoming Manager, Struth was Assistant Manager first as was Davie White, Walter Smith and Ally McCoist before taking the manager's chair. Scott Symon and John Grieg were both ex-players, as was Stuart McCall.


    So in terms of managers who had no connection to the club before taking the job we had Caixinho obviously, plus Warburton, Advovaat and PLG but also Souness and Alex McLeish. Whilst the latter two were boyhood fans (was Souness? I'm never completely sure) they'd never played or coached with us before.


    There are clearly advantages in knowing the club, how it operates and the expectations that go with that, but that in itself is no guarantee of success.


    Oops I forgot Warburton in my original post but he did have Davie Weir as his assistant.


    However my main point remains that Rangers do seem to be a club where the manager tends to need a Rangers background to be successful

  7. Both UEFA and FIFA have been proven to be corrupt in he past. Is this award to the yahoos another such example ?


    Giving the yahoos an award like this after the number of times UEFA have fined them in recent years is just laughable

  8. I think the next Rangers manager will undoubtedly have a Rangers background of some sort.


    In our history we've only had three managers who had a non-Rangers background: Advocaat, PLG & Pedro. Of those only Advocaat was successful & that was mostly due to the money he got to spend on players.


    I'd suggest McInnes would be the board's first choice but may be difficult to get because he signed a new contract with the sheep in the summer.

  9. Excellent news. This should have happened a while ago but hopefully we can start to now rebuild and rectify the mess we're in. My only concern is we end up with someone even worse like Big Eck. I shudder at the thought of that. I want something better than a run of the mill, mediocre Scottish manager like McInnes too.


    I can't believe I'm saying this, but the name that sticks out out of the favourites is Big Sam. He's pretty much the antithesis of my footballing ideology and I've always been a critic of his, but compared to the competition he looks a terrific option. He'd have us strong at the back, fighting and I reckon it wouldn't take much for him to have us challenging Celtic again. He looks like a Walter option to me. Get him in for a couple of seasons and restore some self respect.


    I want a Rangers side playing proper football and winning trophies. But after years of embarrassment I'll take just getting the basics right and playing winning football.


    We have no chance of landing someone like Allardyce without serious funds being made available

  10. Who in our current team would you honestly say is good enough to be regularly playing for a club of our size?


    Virtually no one. And that's not about to change unless funds are made available to improve the quality of our squad.

  11. Why don't we just close the gates? i have never read such negativity in my life. There are more managers out of work than in work. Outside the top clubs and maybe the EPL do you really believe that managers are earning far more than Rangers have been paying. No we are not going to get Pep Guardiola but there are plenty of good managers out there for our price. Lets get one thing straight. Any manager comes with a risk unless we give him hundreds of millions and that is not going to happen. Peter Bosz was managing a small local team up to a few seasons ago and now he is managing Dortmund. You have to also remember that some managers would love the challenge of getting us back to the top.


    My own choice would be a younger manager(around 40 ish) who sees us as a stepping stone to to the EPL.


    To do that he will need to be successful with us first which is what we need at this very moment.

  12. Where does the money for that come from?


    Needs to come from somewhere.


    Get this appointment wrong & I genuinely believe we'll be back to playing infront of a half empty stadium at home games. Like what happened at the end of McCoists tenure

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