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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I see Michel Preud'Homme has applied for the job. His CV vastly superior to Derek McInnes I'd suggest.
  2. The paedodome might not be able to get used. The yahoos move to Hampden & the SFA use murrayfield
  3. Maybe a Glasgow Club with a shaky stadium might need it............
  4. So if Scotland play home games at Murrayfield what becomes of Hampden ? Who will use it ???
  5. We even got the now expected howlers from Craig Thomson Their GK handles outside the box & he misses it. And I've not seen the one again where Morelos gets penalised when he out jumps their keeper in the first half & heads towards goal. Would like to see that one again.
  6. Wilson played well alongside him today. That helped him
  7. How about Preud'Homme with a Scottish assistant?
  8. What's this about ? The manager's appointment?
  9. Whoever replaces McInnes will have a nice little transfer kitty waiting for them once he takes up the post thanks to the compensation we'll have paid for McInnes. I don't want that. McInnes is no Guardiola. Look elsewhere. I'd want a foreign manager with a Scottish assistant
  10. regards the OP, if McInnes is our top target, would it really be a good idea to give Aberdeen millions in compensation to get him ? A nice little transfer kitty for the next Aberdeen manager? Is that a good idea?
  11. In Pedro's defence he did inherit an absolute car crash from both McCoist & MW. Bringing in an entirely new starting XI was always going to have its pitfalls However question marks remain about some of his summer signings. Maybe the new boss will get the best out of the likes of both Pena and Herrera. Who knows?
  12. Oops I forgot Warburton in my original post but he did have Davie Weir as his assistant. However my main point remains that Rangers do seem to be a club where the manager tends to need a Rangers background to be successful
  13. Both UEFA and FIFA have been proven to be corrupt in he past. Is this award to the yahoos another such example ? Giving the yahoos an award like this after the number of times UEFA have fined them in recent years is just laughable
  14. I think the next Rangers manager will undoubtedly have a Rangers background of some sort. In our history we've only had three managers who had a non-Rangers background: Advocaat, PLG & Pedro. Of those only Advocaat was successful & that was mostly due to the money he got to spend on players. I'd suggest McInnes would be the board's first choice but may be difficult to get because he signed a new contract with the sheep in the summer.
  15. No chance of McCoist coming back. None whatsoever.
  16. I've seen a compensation figure quoted of £1.5m for McInnes. Not sure it would be wise to pay that much which would be better spent on the first team squad in my opinion.
  17. We have no chance of landing someone like Allardyce without serious funds being made available
  18. Virtually no one. And that's not about to change unless funds are made available to improve the quality of our squad.
  19. My own choice would be a younger manager(around 40 ish) who sees us as a stepping stone to to the EPL. To do that he will need to be successful with us first which is what we need at this very moment.
  20. Doubt it very much. His stock has fallen badly in recent years
  21. The three amigos who selected him should now consider their positions at Rangers in my opinion
  22. Needs to come from somewhere. Get this appointment wrong & I genuinely believe we'll be back to playing infront of a half empty stadium at home games. Like what happened at the end of McCoists tenure
  23. Whether we like it or not I still think our best bet is a younger manager with a good track record so far who sees us a steppingstone to the EPL which he'll achieve if he does well with us
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