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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Well let's agree on something at the beginning; Pedro is no Sir Alex so comparing them is futile.


    I don't know what you do for a living Rousseau so you might already have experience of this. If you manage a group of people at any one time some of them will be less happy than the rest. If those people are on performance bonuses that they're not achieving then they might be vocal about their unhappiness and if they believe that their ability to achieve their bonus is being held back by you, their manager, you can expect that disquiet to only grow.


    PC didn't have a discipline problem, he had a failure to win matches problem. Every manager faces discipline problems, but if your side is winning regularly those problems are easier to deal with because you're in a position of strength.


    Why do you think Graeme Murty brought on Hardie at the weekend, for all of 30 seconds? It wasn't tactical and we were already 3-1 up and Hearts had chucked it so the result wasn't in much danger. No, it was so he could get an appearance bonus and a win bonus. That's good management. Hardie won't have had many of them this season, and as a young striker not getting a game for a side that wasn't winning as often as it should he was almost certainly getting hacked off and questioning his future. In one go a player is appeased and given hope. How do you think Hardie will have been in training this week?


    O'Halleron isn't 'crap'. Whether he'll ever make it at Rangers is moot, but publicly criticising him was a bizarre thing to do. MO'H had made no comment by that point after all, and the fact he'd found some form at St Johnstone I'd have thought would have drawn praise from PC whether he meant it or not. No one likes to hear their friends slagged off in public, MO'H has friends in the Rangers squad. No one likes to see their friends embarrassed in public, Kenny Miller has friends in the Rangers squad. Any manager who feels he has to do that is either lacking self-confidence or hasn't figured out how to manage professional footballers.


    But as I said all of this wouldn't have mattered a jot if his side could have won the important matches. Had we beaten Progress and Motherwell and given Celtic more of a game than we did PC would still be manager. That was his problem.


    so what if PC's successor fares no better ? get shot of him too & start all over again ?

    what guarantee is there a new manager will get more out of this squad as AJ dangerously suggested recently.


    The problem we have is we need better quality players & to get rid off the deadwood MW & Pedro brought. It's that simple. It's where the funding for this will come from that's the issue & whether we can attract the right calibre of manager


    And SAF dealt with the indiscipline he inherited when he took over at Man Utd by getting rid off the likes of Whiteside& McGrath.

  2. There are too many meaningless games in the CL group stages now.The tournament needs a revamp.


    Clubs are more focused on their domestic leagues because they get more income from it & are putting out under strength sides in the CL because of that.

  3. Thankfully this has all went quiet , and the press have no idea who the new manager will be , this was to be expected after the initial frenzy , hopefully we get a few weeks of calm deliberate In depth discussion by our football board and get this right .


    This appointment must not be rushed. If it takes into next year then so be it as long as the board get it right this time

  4. Ah yes, indeed, the Mexican League Cup, I forgot about that. I'm not sure it trumps 2 Premier Leagues, 2 League Cups and an FA Cup Clarke won when assistant manager at Chelsea but it's academic in the end. Certainly up there with Tommy Wright and Derek McInnes mind. Indeed Jim McIntyre, with a Scottish Cup win for Ross County, is suddenly our new favourite, right?


    Doesn't jim McIntyre have a league cup win for Ross County? Same as Derek McInnes has for Aberdeen

  5. I understand it is costing Hearts £300k a game a lease Murrayfield from the SRU. I am guessing that all other costs still need to go on top of that.


    Personally i think Murrayfield is a great stadium, although only ever been for rugby.


    if it costs hertz £300k per game at Murrayfield why would the SFA even consider leaving Hampden?


    go figure

  6. What McInnes achieved at St Johnstone and latterly at Aberdeen in a one-horse league is at least equivalent to Preud'homme's record. In any case, the question is not who has won most in an entirely different context ... but who is best equipped to succeed at Rangers today. In my humble opinion, of the names I've heard mentioned, that is probably Derek McInnes. I hope I'm right because he is almost certainly our next manager and we'd better start getting behind this one.


    How is he best-equipped to succeed at Rangers ?? His managerial CV isn't up to much as far as I can see

  7. There are any number of prospective managers who know the square root of fuck all about Scottish football and, like it or not, this is the midden we play in. We can't afford another game of speculation. The next manager needs to know what's in store for him BEFORE he takes the job. If he doesn't, it won't matter how good his pedigree.


    That's why I suggested the likes of Preud'Homme should get a Scottish assistant.


    McInnes managerial CV boasts just the old 1st division with St Johnstone nearly 10 years ago & a league cup with the sheep when they beat Inverness on penalties 4 years ago.


    I don't know about you but I'd expect a bit more than that from an applicant for the Rangers managers job

  8. It's all about money these days.


    Not sure they'd make more money at Murrayfield. Especially Scotland home games which don't sell out. And I don't think Murrayfield would come cheap from the SRU.


    And don't forget the SFA offices are at Hampden. Where would they move to ?


    The prospect of Ibrox being the only suitable football stadium(apart from Hampden) may be too much for some people.

  9. So the proposed "£20M+" Hotel, etc, development is an expensively assembled charade?


    Have they started building it yet ? When does construction begin ?

  10. giphy.gif


    Most importantly Scotland matches and cup finals must not go to Parkhead.


    The yahoos will be lucky to still be playing at Porkheid if the stories I'm hearing about their stadium are true.

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