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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. There were 3 supporters I know working on a book. Probably the not guilty verdict would have hit any potential sales.


    Maybe the Not Guilty verdict would have hit the sales of these supporters books but not Whyte's book I wouldn't think ( if it did get published)


    I've always suggested the Not Guilty verdict was what Scottish football didn't want. Don't forget too whyte got banned sin die by the SFA. For what reason ? His takeover wasn't illegal as the verdict proves. And he wasn't the first person to run a Scottish football club to fall foul of HMRC.


    Whyte has stayed silent throughout but he knows a helluva lot. I suspect this book proposal could be a signal to some( maybe the SFA) that he is considering all his options at the moment and may well come out with all sorts of revelations at some point in the future

  2. I think what has to be remembered here is that the football clubs themselves cannot always be held responsible for the actions of a sicko who hid it well. Clubs are only guilty if they are obviously negligent or deviously complicit.


    I'm sure that Celtic fans want to find as much going on at other clubs to exonerate themselves when their club is actually fully guilty of the latter. I think they will do their best to shine the spot-light in our direction.


    They can try all they like.


    It's not so much the abuse clubs need to worry about but whether any of them tried to cover it up. One club certainly appears to have done so.

  3. Still think that the Board may dismiss a manager, but the DoF is the one who selects a new one and proposes him to the Board. It might well be that the people the Board or DoF had in mind in the first place, simply weren't willing to come?


    They should have had someone ready in waiting before they got rid off Pedro

  4. It seems now that scenario has come to an end,but I have some sympathy for McInnes in that he was allegedly favourite last time and overlooked for Caxinho and now this saga.

    He is a young man and has to look after his own future.

    The worry now is who the hell will we get????


    This has gone on too long now. A new manager needs to be appointed for everyone's sake.


    If the board got rid off Perdo & weren't unanimous in who they wanted to replace him then that is very worrying indeed. A board should not dismiss a manager unless they have a replacement lined up.


    Warburton was different because he effectively resigned himself out of the job. Pedro was sacked.

  5. I'd be very surprised if we went for McInnes after the time elapsed since Pedro left. We'd have tried to get him before now if he was the preferred choice.


    My own view is we'll need a big name to please the support hence why I think Frank de Boer would be the best choice.


    Since he left Ajax last year he made two bad choices in Inter Milan & Crystal Palace. Rangers would be ideal for him to get back on track.

  6. Today's public sector in Scotland is a combination of both a Nanny State and a Fascist state run by unelected individuals who want to dictate every aspect of life in Scotland.


    What they say goes. Anyone who dares challenge them or cross them in pursuit of their PC-driven agendas gets severely dealt with as Ruth Gilfillan found out.


    Don't suppose the yahoo who brought in the Celtic birthday cake is facing any disciplinary proceedings ?

  7. Sounds so similar to the Hugh Dallas incident at the SFA when he lost his job as referees supervisor & got replaced by somebody called John Fleming


    There are now so many people in high public office in Scotland who think they are entitled to adopt a zero tolerance approach to anyone who makes any sort of remark about the RC church or any other institution with dubious baggage.


    This will not end well.

  8. Why would any decent manager want to get rid of Alves?!


    Because he's 36 years old, his form hasn't been great & his wages could be put to better use

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