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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. For over the past 5 years now I've been banging my head against a brick wall saying we're not right in MF. We constantly get outnumbered & overrun.This goes back to when McCoist was in charge.


    Last night we had just Jack & Holt in Central MF. I believe we need 3 in that area to make us harder to play against & harder to beat.


    With the squad we have at present, I'd prefer to see us go 3-5-2 with Tav and either Windass/John in the wide areas of the 5.

  2. There's no ability. he;s a lazy barsteward


    Watch the first game of the season at Motherwell & tell me there's no ability there ? The problem is getting him to do that more often. That's where a good manager earns his money. Unfortunately we've not got a manager at present.

  3. Our entire team were bullied by Dundee. Every single one of them was a disgrace. O'Hara and Allen were laughing at us.


    Totally unacceptable.


    I won't sleep tonight. I doubt the same will be true for any of the wimps who play for us.


    Tactically we weren't right tonight & haven't been all season. I genuinely believe we need three central MF players for starters.

  4. What disappointed me most again tonight was that there were good deliveries into the box from wide areas and no takers.We need to start taking chances.


    That is the biggest challenge for the new manager whoever he might be. We're still the second top scorers in the league but the goals have now dried up

  5. Rab. Windass is awful and should be benched asap imo. After the goal tonight he was trying all sort of flicks and wee passes that were not on. His work rate is non existent. The fact he scored tonight is irrelevent he should have been subbed off.


    Hopefully someone down south will offer us a couple of million for him. He has talent but perhaps not suited for us

  6. We were tactically wrong again tonight in my opinion. We need to become harder to play against


    We needed 3 in central MF. Someone else in alongside Jack and Holt.


    That would probably mean going 3-5-2 which I've been advocating forsome time now but maybe not for the Celtc game where we'd go 4-5-1

  7. There is no hiding place now for this board. We will see some direction early in the week or even over the weekend. What that direction is remains to be seen.


    Personally I hope it’s an experienced manager who has dealt with senior players before and if I’m honest, that sounds like Big Sam, Pardew, or someone like that.


    I want to see a steadying influence on the current players and a couple of good quality additions in January. There is a half decent team in there, we do have a decent level of players, and bar you know who, definitely as good as any top 6 team.


    I don't think the likes of Big Sam or Pardew would be interested in the job once they realised the available resources.

  8. why not just give it to Kenny fuckin Miller. He seems to have a say on how the team is picked.:mad::mad:


    Have you noticed how we're now struggling to score goals since he came back into the team ?


    Say what you like about Pedro, he had him sussed. He realised he wasn't reliable enough to get goals.

  9. Windass and Miller were awful just awful, woeful defending from Wilson as well, nae wonder I drink!!!


    Murty has fallen into the Kenny Miller trap. Relying on him for goals will cost any manager his job.


    Since Murty bright him back he scored 2 against hertz and has failed to score in any of the following 3 games since.

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