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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. How can the Rangers board possibly appoint McInnes after these two games against Aberdeen ? He's just been outplayed, outfought & out thought by the Rangers U20 development coach


    And just what is it that stands out about McInnes?


    Sure he's led the sheep to 2nd place in the league consistently but that's mostly without Rangers in the league. And just one LC win in nearly five years at Pittodrie is hardly outstanding either is it?


    I believe we'd be best to stick with Murty for the time being just a little longer til the right candidate emerges.

  2. When we score goals, we aren't shy and often get a few.


    In the league, we've scored 3 or more........ in 7 out of 15 matches (for celtic, it's 5 out of 14).

    Last season it was 1 out of the first 15 league games.


    Our problem has been 3 zeros and twice scoring 1 goal......In all five matches dropping points.


    Problem is inconsistency


    Other thing is a lack of clean sheets (4).....celtic (8)


    Our goals against is 17 compared to their 7.That needs improvement too

  3. Interestingly last night's result puts us as joint top scorers in the league with 31 goals, same as the yahoos.


    What I find interesting about ours though is only 9 of our goals came from strikers, Morelos6, Miller2 and Herrera1.


    Whoever the next Rangers manager is needs to improve this IMO

  4. Breaking even would mean reducing our staff costs from £17.6m to £11.0m. It could be done but the quality of the playing squad would theoretically deteriorate significantly.


    As for restructuring the way we play players, we would really struggle to attract anyone. Players don't want to take the risk and would go elsewhere if we were the only club doing it. Sounds good in theory but just wouldn't work.


    Do you really think we're getting best value for money with those £17.6m staff costs? I don't.

  5. Murty did this last time. Inherited the mess from MW and took three of four games to fix it.( then Pedro arrived)


    Now he's inherited a mess from Pedro. Tonight he showed he can make effective changes and get results. The team looked totally different & played much better.Playing three CB's & three central MF players made us harder to play against.


    If I were a Rangers director or chairman I'd maybe be a wee bit worried about appointing a manager who's just been out-thought by ur U20 development coach.

  6. Update on AGM Questions


    Dear Member,


    We recently asked members to submit questions for the upcoming RIFC AGM. The Club 1872 board has now had the opportunity to look at the questions that were submitted and we thank the hundreds of members who took the time to contact us.


    A number of concerns have been raised by members, in particular the length of time it is taking the club to appoint a new manager.* As supporters first and foremost, Club 1872 directors share those concerns. Club 1872 has made a commitment to supporters to remain independent from Rangers Football Club and to hold the board to account where necessary.


    The upcoming AGM allows us an opportunity to do this, and we will be taking that opportunity to raise members’ concerns in as robust a manner as our members would expect from the second largest shareholder and representatives of over 7000 supporters.


    We have also written to the club to ask that any questions we aren’t able to raise at the AGM will be addressed by the club at the earliest opportunity. We will share any and all feedback we receive on those questions from the club with our members.


    Club 1872


    I think C1872 should also be asking who will take the decision on appointing the new manager.

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