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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. But McCall didn't get the red cards Jack gets did he? if an opposition player did that to a Rangers player as Jack did today I'd expect him to get a red card
  2. How can the Rangers board possibly appoint McInnes after these two games against Aberdeen ? He's just been outplayed, outfought & out thought by the Rangers U20 development coach And just what is it that stands out about McInnes? Sure he's led the sheep to 2nd place in the league consistently but that's mostly without Rangers in the league. And just one LC win in nearly five years at Pittodrie is hardly outstanding either is it? I believe we'd be best to stick with Murty for the time being just a little longer til the right candidate emerges.
  3. And if we win on Sunday aren't we not going to look stupid going for a manager who has just been beaten twice in five days by our U20 development coach ?
  4. I really don't want to pay Aberdeen over-the-odds compensation for a manager who has just one league cup on his CV
  5. I genuinely hope we're not overlooking better candidates than McInnes who want the job
  6. And I'd suggest most managers would move on from Aberdeen after three years max realising they have done all they can. Except McInnes.
  7. When Father Willie Collum is refereeing & the great unwashed are playing
  8. What happens if we beat the sheep on Sunday ? Would we seriously offer the job to Derek McInnes ?
  9. Our goals against is 17 compared to their 7.That needs improvement too
  10. Interestingly last night's result puts us as joint top scorers in the league with 31 goals, same as the yahoos. What I find interesting about ours though is only 9 of our goals came from strikers, Morelos6, Miller2 and Herrera1. Whoever the next Rangers manager is needs to improve this IMO
  11. Do you really think we're getting best value for money with those £17.6m staff costs? I don't.
  12. I've never been convinced Miller can play the lone striker role. He doesn't have the physical presence for starters.
  13. Murty did this last time. Inherited the mess from MW and took three of four games to fix it.( then Pedro arrived) Now he's inherited a mess from Pedro. Tonight he showed he can make effective changes and get results. The team looked totally different & played much better.Playing three CB's & three central MF players made us harder to play against. If I were a Rangers director or chairman I'd maybe be a wee bit worried about appointing a manager who's just been out-thought by ur U20 development coach.
  14. Right appointment and more importantly right signings. That means not wasting £3m on unfit Mexicans
  15. Regardless of who becomes manager we should expect to challenge for the title next season. Our support expect no less. Nor should they.
  16. I think this is the problem with getting McInnes. We wouldn't win the league
  17. We are not in a position to take risks with this appointment but I do wonder if McInnes ticks enough boxes


    is this the Windass with 3 goals in the last 4 games ? at least someone seems to know the way to goal
  19. But you need to take into account who the Compliance Officer is & his background
  20. Whoever the next Rangers manager is will need to deal with the fact Kenny Miller shouldn't be an automatic selection in the starting XI anymore. Murty's already fallen into this trap.
  21. I think C1872 should also be asking who will take the decision on appointing the new manager.
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