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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. A game like today requires our most creative players on the pitch. Games like that are ideal for Pena in particular. I've no idea why he doesn't get selected.


    He's not getting selected because he's not been good enough. I'm not sure he can adapt to our game in this country.


    He's one of several players I reckon the D of F will try & get rid off next month

  2. I hope those of you thinking even for a moment that Murty would be a worthy permanent manager of our club are hanging your heads in shame. A couple of wins against a shite Aberdeen team don't mask the fact he's proven time and time again how incapable he is. Three games on the trot we've been awful and before the Aberdeen games we had back to back defeats against Hamilton and Dundee. Jesus fucking Christ.


    We have neither the board nor the manager capable of taking us any further forward.


    Murty has inherited a pile of dross signed by two previous Rangers managers. He didn't sign any of them. Only if he ever gets the job & signs his own players can he be judged.


    Guardiola would struggle to do much with this current Rangers squad

  3. Murty has overseen some very good results and some very bad ones. The players seem to like him.


    I just want a successful Rangers and still harbour doubts about him. I expected about 2 points from the games against the sheep and Hibs, so I'm not a critic....I'm just not getting carried away.


    The problem with appointing interim or caretaker managers is that you have to be careful they don't accummulate a better record than the guy who eventually takes over.


    That is, unfortunately, where Rangers are at just now

  4. Since we are leaving all that behind we must look to the future.


    When we complain about the board we need to think about the alternative. What alternatives do we have at present?


    Also I think I remember the chairman telling us he wanted to get some non supporter directors involved but that it would take 1-2 years. So is any complaint about the current board simply a case of pushing against an open door?


    There are no alternatives. This board may be dull & boring but the club is in safe hands.


    But the team is under-achieving and this board are making far too many mistakes. They've not even been there for three years & we're looking for our third manager although I think they've dodged massive bullet with McInnes


    And their PR is non existent too.

  5. The one thing I'll always remember about McCoist's management was being beaten by Raith Rovers in the final of the Challenge Cup and the one abiding memory of Warburton's tenure will be losing the Scottish Cup final to Hibs. Both abject failures sum up perfectly the leadership of two inadequate managers.


    I'll never forget losing at home to Annan Athletic at Ibrox & thinking McCoist would have to offer his resignation or be sacked.Of course neither happened & was one of many low points during his tenure. McCoist's time in charge was undoubtedly the worst I've ever endured in all the years I've supported Rangers.


    Warburton's recruitment in summer 2016 finished him.

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